Role of
agriculture and food security in building climate resilience
Agriculture and food systems that ensure availability,
accessibility, stability and utilization of adequate and nutritious crops and
livestock are central in achieving the SDGs, and also support the ability of
countries to collectively achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Effective adaptation practices for
agriculture and food systems also help safeguard livelihoods, communities, and
ecosystems from adverse impacts of climate change. Agriculture and the systems
that affect food security provide a domain of adaptation action for
governments, communities and stakeholders living with increasing risks in the
coming decades. Many countries have included aspects of adaptation and food
security in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National
Adaptation Plans (NAPs). The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Climate Change and Land synthesized a significant body of literature on the topic,
including adaptation co-benefits and risks.
Closing knowledge gaps through partnership
with the NWP expert group on agriculture and food security
Knowledge gaps in agriculture and food
security still exist, and these can pose barriers to countries and specific
target audiences in adapting to the impacts of climate change in agriculture
and the systems that affect food security. Parties have identified agriculture
and food security as crucial areas under the NWP (see SBSTA 48 and SBSTA 50) where knowledge gaps need to be closed to enhance
adaptation action. Addressing the knowledge and resilience needs of countries
through tailored information for knowledge users is crucial to implementing
adaptation action – a key element of the Paris Agreement.
The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) expert group on agriculture
and food security aims to strengthen
climate action toward adaptation and resilience for agriculture and food
security under the UNFCCC process. The expert group can help address key gaps
and challenges through collaboration among expert group members, with the
UNFCCC constituted bodies,
other thematic expert groups of the NWP, NWP partners as well as relevant communities
of practice.
The knowledge-to action methodology
The NWP, the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action
hub for climate adaptation and resilience, uses a knowledge-to-action
methodology that guides knowledge co-development through partnerships. This collaborative
approach responds to the adaptation needs of Parties, with an emphasis on
developing countries, and supports the formulation of national adaptation plans
and relevant mandates of UNFCCC constituted bodies. At COP26 in Glasgow, Parties requested that
NWP knowledge products are tailored to the needs of knowledge users and
accessible in order to maximize the uptake of adaptation knowledge and increase
the usefulness of the products to knowledge users implementing adaptation
action. In response, the NWP will focus on three elements (FCCC/SBSTA/2021/L.10):
Understanding and
contextualizing existing knowledge gaps for target knowledge users and
initiating opportunities for coordinated action to address ese gaps
through a scoping paper
Building long-term
engagement with thematic experts on agriculture and food security to
catalyze actions to close these gaps, as well as monitor and evaluate the
synergies with relevant processes and initiatives to promote coherent work
in building resilience for agriculture and food security

1) Scoping |
- Outline framing
and mapping experts for the thematic area on agriculture and food security
2) Engage with experts |
3) Refine knowledge |
4) Co-design actions |
5) Report and disseminate findings |
In progress |
6) Facilitate partnerships to mobilize support |
In progress |
7) Implementing action |
In progress |
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