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News : Enhancing the preparedness of developing countries to implement the Enhanced Transparency Framework

Technical resources for implementing the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention and the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
Enhancing the preparedness of developing countries to implement the Enhanced Transparency Framework

An event showcasing the various financial, technical, and capacity-building support initiatives offered by various agencies was held on 11 December 2018, during the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties in Katowice, Poland. The panel comprised of representatives from UNEP-DTU, UNEP/UNDP GSP, GEF, GGGI and GIZ.

Presenters provided an overview of the scope and depth of support provided to developing countries for effective participation in the MRV arrangements under the Convention and in terms of preparedness for participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework as per Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.
The GEF shared information on the programming status of the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT). So far 41 national projects and 4 global projects were approved to the total value of 63 million USD. Of these, 13 projects have begun implementation. The GEF also spoke about priorities and lessons identified by countries in their national projects to date. UNEP DTU shared their experience in developing the knowledge management platform CBIT Global Coordination Platform,’’ supported by the GEF. UNEP DTU also shared their experience in managing the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) that provides the tools, support and capacity-building to developing countries to measure and assess the effects of their climate policies and actions.
The Global Support Programme (GSP) jointly implemented by UN Environment and UNDP and funded by the GEF, discussed the support provided to developing countries in preparation of National Communications (NCs), GHG inventories, Mitigation and Vulnerability & Adaptation analysis, and Biennial Update Reports (BURs).  Their major support approaches include regional and national training workshops; preparation of guidance materials/publications; review of Terms of References, draft reports/components; national inventory reports, NCs, BURs, mitigation analysis, V&A assessment; assist in identifying international experts; conducting joint training regional workshops with other international  or regional capacity building entities; and development of regional MRV Networks that facilitate South-South and bilateral technical cooperation.
The GIZ shared information on the projects they are working on worldwide on MRV / Transparency (29 global, regional and bilateral projects in 18 countries.) including sharing links to various product offerings (Trainings, guidance documents, studies; NDC Helpdesk; Good Practice Database).
GGGIs shared their experience in setting up their MRV Program in March 2017 upon request from the Member and Partner countries for support to enhance transparency in tracking greenhouse gas emissions and climate efforts towards NDC implementation under the Paris Agreement. They provide technical support through all phases (planning, implementation and operation) for establishment of MRV system at country level.
The presenters shared similar sentiments to GIZ about the lessons learned from the provision of support and highlighted some key ones:
·         Institutionalization of MRV systems are anchored in and mandated by legislation or agreements;
·         Sustainable MRV systems need national ownership and additional national human and financial resources.
·          Its important to highlight the additional benefits of climate reporting to governments, such as improving national statistics, enhance cooperation with the private sector or improve access to climate finance;
·         Complementarity of national and regional/global CB support is needed amongst the different support providers
The event highlighted that whilst there are many support initiatives accessible to developing countries, these countries also need to ready themselves in terms of defining the scope and objective of their national MRV system; ensuring that the MRV system is supported by legislation or agreements so that stakeholders have a clear understanding of their role and responsibility in participation in the MRV system; as well as enhancing the political willingness at senior government levels to support the MRV system. 
Keep following our Facebook page Mitigation & Transparency Exchange for more insights and snapshots.
If you missed the event, the presentations can be obtained here and the webcast is available here.
From left to right: Mr. Stanford Mwakasonda (UNDP/UNEP Joint GSP); Mr. Siddhartha Nauduri (GGGI); Mr. William Agyemang-Bonsu (UNFCCC secretariat); Ms. Milena Gonzalez Vasquez (GEF); Ms. Miriam Hinostroza (UNEP DTU) and Mr. Oscar Zarzo from GIZ.