Pages: why-join

Name: why-join.aspx
Title: Opportunities for NWP partner organizations
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Contact: Sara Grambs
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NAP Description: Join the NWP and contribute to scaling up adaptation now!
NAP Summary:
Page Content: NWP partner organizations engage in  work on climate change adaptation that is valuable to countries around the world. The Nairobi work programme (NWP) strives to connect NWP partner organizations with Parties to the UNFCCC so they can use these inputs to scale up adaptation.

Benefits of NWP partnership include:


access to Parties and the UNFCCC process through direct and indirect science-policy-practice exchanges;
access to the institutional arrangements under the Convention to deliver demand-driven support in response to countries’ needs;

opportunities to provide inputs - including knowledge resources, capacity-building support, and policy recommendations – to inform the work of the Parties on adaptation, in the framework of the UNFCCC process;
opportunities to exchange and collaborate with a community of over 360 adaptation policy-makers, practitioners and researchers;

updates on the latest developments on adaptation under the UNFCCC through the eUpdate newsletter;
invitations to interact in forums with county delegates including the annual NWP Focal Point Forums during COPs, side events at UNFCCC sessions and affiliated events, and other regional and online forums;

participation in a neutral platform that connects themes and experts globally/regionally, shares and synthesizes evidence and needs-based information on adaptation, and coordinates coalitions of experts;
access to specific knowledge needs from policy-makers, repackaged into usable research questions for partners;
opportunity to contribute to collaborative, demand-driven activities which simplify the process of identifying adaptation knowledge needs and leverages synergies to reduce costs and accelerate transformative actions.
increased visibility for relevant organizational outputs and activities to UNFCCC Parties, peer organizations, and general audiences through official NWP events, documents, websites, and communications channels
opportunity to submit action pledges via the Adaptation knowledge portal.
How do partners engage with the NWP?

Please see the NWP knowledge-to-action approach for an overview of the partner engagement model. More specifically, NWP partner organizations are invited to engage with the NWP through:

Expert working groups and consultations to address special requests and needs from Parties in thematic areas and topics
Joint knowledge products including research reports, briefing papers, policy recommendations, and implementation guidelines
Joint events including technical workshops to share knowledge and build capacity for good practices 
Calls for submissions on adaptation information and resources
Participation in events including the annual NWP Focal Point Forum as well as side events and workshops
Submitting action pledges in response to identified knowledge needs
Sharing knowledge resources on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal

Created at 07/04/2016 16:56 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 28/06/2021 13:45 by Sara Grambs
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