Pages: About

Name: About.aspx
Title: About the adaptation knowledge portal
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NAP Summary: The purpose of the Adaptation Knowledge Portal is to provide access to information and knowledge on climate change adaptation and the work on adaptation under the various workstreams under the Convention
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The Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP) is a product of the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), the UNFCCC knowledge-for-action hub for climate adaptation and resilience. The AKP aims to provide access to information and knowledge on climate change adaptation, and on the work of related work streams under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. The AKP builds on the worldwide contributions of policy-makers, practitioners and researchers to offer first-hand information and actionable knowledge for end-users.

The portal provides free and open access to a curated database of adaptation knowledge resources including case studies, methods and tools, publications and technical documents, and other materials. Users can also browse the profiles and action pledges of NWP partner organizations with recognized expertise or activities in the field of climate adaptation. All information in the database can be filtered by type, geographic region, sector or theme, adaptation element, and climate hazard.

Users are welcome to contribute information to the database or apply to become a NWP partner organization through the submission forms on the AKP. Most of the portal's knowledge resources were shared directly by NWP partner organizations. However, Parties to the UNFCCC and non-NWP partner organizations are also invited to contribute to the AKP, including in response to UNFCCC calls for submissions.

In addition to the database, the AKP provides a platform to share the latest news and resources on adaptation under the UNFCCC process and from NWP partner organizations.

To navigate the website, follow the links in the top menu or browse the featured items on the home page. For more information, please see the frequently asked questions or contact the NWP team at

Created at 23/11/2015 10:20 by Roberto Felix
Last modified at 08/10/2020 10:17 by Francis Opolot
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