Pages: Partner_Themes

Name: Partner_Themes.aspx
Title: NWP activities and thematic areas
Comments: Overview of NWP thematic areas
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Laura Kavanaugh
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NAP Description: Learn how your organization can engage in NWP activities
NAP Summary:
Page Content: The work of the NWP is broadly focused on helping countries understand climate change impacts and vulnerabilities and make informed decisions on adaptation planning, measures, and actions. NWP activities are particularly aimed at developing countries, including least developed countries and small island developing states, and seek to enhance capacity at international, regional, national, sectoral, and local levels. The NWP works in collaboration with partners to drive forward activities that produce usable knowledge products and catalyseaction in response to identified knowlegde needs in a wide range of thematic areas.

Key thematic areas include:

Agriculture and food security;
Ecosystems and water; wetlands; forests and grasslands;
Drought, water scarcity and land degradation neutrality;
Oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, including mega deltas, coral reefs and mangroves;
Slow onset events;
Extreme weather events such as heatwaves, flash floods, sand and dust storms, cyclones and heavy precipitation;
Economic diversification;
Livelihood and socioeconomic dimensions in relevant sectors such as tourism;
Human settlements; Cities and urban systems
Rural systems and communities;
Indicators of climate adaptation and resilience.

Partners are welcome to contribute knowledge resources and action pledges on all themes at any time through the adaptation knowledge portal. In addition, NWP partners may engage in special events and calls-to-action specific to a certain theme. The number and focus of thematic areas under the NWP vary from year to year in response to requests from UNFCCC Parties.


NWP activities:

The work of the NWP provides partners with opportunities to co-design and implement activities in key thematic areas, to identify and close knowlege gaps under the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative, and to contribute to activities mandated by national governments, the Adaptation Committee, and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). 

> Browse outputs and activities from the NWP’s thematic work with partners

> Contribute to closing knowledge gaps under the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative

Learn about open calls and previous thematic work on the NWP UNFCCC webpages


Created at 20/02/2019 16:35 by Laura Kavanaugh
Last modified at 29/08/2019 16:38 by David Oehmen
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