University of Michigan, School forEnvironment and Sustainability |
2018-2019: Evaluating the impacts of sea-level rise and storm surges on Seychelles' critical infrastructure. Phase I Students: Harold Rice, Jacob Rumschlag & Daniel Xie
Advisor: Avik Basu
2019-2020: Evaluating the impacts of sea-level rise and storm surges on Seychelles' critical infrastructure. Phase II Students: Lisa Maillard, Tonya Summerlin & Annalisa Wilder
Advisor: Avik Basu
University of Seychelles; Seychelles Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEEC); Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA)
Seychelles Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEEC); National Bureau of Statistics (NBS); Department of Risk and Disaster Management
Read the case study and the news story to learn more
Read the case study and the news story to learn more
Harvard University, John. F. Kennedy School of Government |
2019-2020: Increasing access to multi-hazard early warning systems: promoting climate change adaptation in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region Students: Daniel Bicknell, Colleen Narlock and Reine Rambert
Advisor: William Clark |
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Read the case study and the news story to learn more |
Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies |
2019-2020: Measuring ecosystem-based adaptation in the Peruvian Andes: six good practices for monitoring, evaluation, and learning Students: Sophie Bloehm, Pallavi Sherikar & Evelin Eszter Tóth
Advisor: Gordon Geballe
2020-2021: Ecosystem-based adaptation and water resource management in Nepal and Peru Students: Tiffany Mayville, Claudia Sanchez de Lozada, Krista Shennum
Advisors: Gordon Geballe, Amity Doolittle
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); The Mountain Institute (TMI)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); The Mountain Institute (TMI) |
Read the case study to learn more
Read the case study and the news story to learn more |
University of Michigan, School forEnvironment and Sustainability |
2020-2021: Strengthening adaptation solutions for agricultural development: a study to assess the potential for innovation of climate-smart farm capabilities in Namibia Students: Kiana Lindsay, Lynn Socha and Marissa Lazaroff
Advisor: Avik Basu
Global Water Partnership (Southern Africa-GWPSA) through the Namibian Water Partnership; The University of Namibia (UNAM)
Read the tool and the news story to learn more
Wageningen University |
2020-2021: Assessment of agricultural adaptation measures in Africa, considering adaptation gaps and co-benefits Students: Marit Achenbach, Ashriah Andani, Lisa Boterman, Asher Lazarus, Wouter Sims & Tanyaradwa Tawha
Advisor: Emmanuel Nyadzi
A series of Nairobi Work Programme Partners
Read the knowledge resource and the news story to learn more
University of Michigan, School forEnvironment and Sustainability
2021-2022: Developing a methodological framework for quantifying the impact of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region Students: Emily Johnson, Kasey McDonald & Lindsey Spero
Advisor: Avik Basu |
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) |
Read the case study and the news story |
Wageningen University |
2022: Review and comparative assessment of relevant monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks for adaptation and resilience Students: Laura Mackenzie, Manuela Gutierrez Garcia, Nina Zibetti, Prabath Meegamage & Pratik Gupta
Advisor: Wout Sommerauer
Nairobi Work Programme Partners
Read the knowledge resource and the news story to learn more

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
Tribhuvan University of Nepal (TU-Nepal)
2022: Urban flood and drought in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region and climate change: identifying indicators and developing methodologies for science-based adaptation approach Students: Suman Bhattacharyya, Supriya Upadhyay & Dishant Sharma
Advisor: S. Sreekesh
2022: Assessing hydro-climatic extremes and urban water security: a case of Pokhara metropolitan city, Nepal Students: Ashim Rimal and Kishor Shrestha
Advisor: Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Global Water Partnership (South Asia) UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) - Bangkok
Global Water Partnership (South Asia) UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center (RCC) - Bangkok
Journal paper submitted
Final knowledge product under review |
National University of Rosario (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, UNR) |
2022: Assessing knowledge gaps in adaptation planning and defining suitable measures for adaptation in the land-agriculture-tourism and climate nexus in the Paraná Delta, Argentina Students: Gonzalo Pérez, Jazmín Rocco Predassi, Milena Sergeeva, Nadia I Castillo & Yasmín Tramannoni
Advisors: María del Pilar Bueno and Ignacio Lorenzo
Final knowledge product under review
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National University of Ireland Galway, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics |
2022: An economic analysis of the limits to ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) for coastal flood risk in the Pacific Islands Students: Alfred Afeku, Brenda Catherine Daly, & Jack Flannery
Advisor:Thomas McDermott |
Read the summary of findings |
Cornell University |
2022: Land Use Planning and Risk Management in Andean Peru Students: Anna Connor, Reed Herter, Robert Hoal, Chloe Long and Charlie Tebbutt
2022: Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices for Smallholder Farmers in the Republic of Zambia Students: Katherine Thomas, Valentina Rubio, Rebecca Foody, Hanrui Ma, Chindavone Sanlath and Andy Shin
Advisor: Allison Chatrchyan |
Expert Input: Carlos Carillo
Expert Input: Morton Mwanza |
Completed Read the summary of findings
Completed Read the summary of findings |
University of Michigan, School forEnvironment and Sustainability |
2022-2023:Overcoming barriers to accessing climate knowledge for scaling up climate action in the Pacific Island Countries Students: Emily Adrid, Claire Doyle, Anne Olsen, Lavanya Gauri Pandit, Alison Shereda & Carmen Wagner
Advisor: Avik Basu |
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Adaptation Network (GAN) and GAN’s regional node, Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) and the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (APCP)
Final knowledge product under review

British University in Egypt (BUE) |
2022-2023: An analysis of the desertification-socio-economic nexus in Egypt's delta region Students: Maha Balbaa, Sameh Mansour, Allaa Samir, Remah Ibrahim & Kareem Younes
Advisors: Maha Elhini and Hoda Hassaballa |
Soil, Water, and Environment Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation |
Read the case study |

Challenge-Driven, Accessible, Research-based and Mobile European University (CHARM-EU) |
2022-2023: Understanding the sensitivity of of ago-ecological zones to historic and future climate change - a case of Botswana Students: Aneta Nerguti, Femke van der Zaag, Jordan Eustace, Maryan Blas Lobo, Migle Labeikyte and Robert Fitzgerald
Advisors: Mathew Saunders and Unnikrishnan Brijitha Madhavan |
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) - Southern Africa |
Final knowledge product under review |
University of Michigan, School forEnvironment and Sustainability |
2022-2023: Climate resilient integrated water resource management: an evaluation of past and present readiness in the Caribbean region Students: Lis Huang, Alifaire Noreen, Daniel Patmon, Maxwell Tanner
Advisor: Avik Basu
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) |