Pages: Help-us-make-the-NWP-content-more-relevant-and-accessible

Name: Help-us-make-the-NWP-content-more-relevant-and-accessible.aspx
Title: Help us make the NWP knowledge product and content more relevant and accessible
Scheduling Start Date:
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NAP Summary: We value your opinion!
NAP Description: We value your opinion!
Page Content:

Have you ever accessed or utilized the NairobiWork Programme (NWP) knowledge products? We would like to hear your candid feedback as the UNFCCC Secretariat
seeks to improve the NWP knowledge products and their contents so that they are
clear, credible, usable, accessible and relevant to the UNFCCC process and the
work of all NWPPartners. Your responses will also help identify opportunities for future collaboration
on thematic areas of NWP.

You are therefore invited
to participate in a 10 minute survey.

Be assured that the final outcomes of this survey will be shared with Parties at the upcoming negotiations during SBSTA 52 (June 2020) in Bonn.

For questions regarding this survey, please send an email to


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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 2/21/2020

Created at 2/20/2020 12:34 PM by Faith Donani
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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