Pages: M-and-E-inventory

Name: M-and-E-inventory.aspx
Title: M&E inventory in support of the AC
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NAP Summary: Learn about the latest NWP work on monitoring and evaluation
NAP Description: For the 10th meeting of the Adaptation committee, an inventory of adaptation monitoring and evaluation tools and methods was undertaken under the NWP.
Page Content: In response to
a recommendation from the Adaptation Committee (AC), an inventory of adaptation
monitoring and evaluation tools and methods, developed by countries and
relevant organizations, was undertaken by the NWP. 



Click on the
following link to access anoverview of the results of the inventory, as well as the full document.



The NWP work
on M&E was also presented during the 10th meeting of the AC. You
can access the NWPpresentation online.



The work on
M&E will continue under the NWP with a call for submission in September
2017. More details on the call for submission, including the topics covered,
are available here.

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Adaptation sector/theme:
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 12/9/2016

Created at 12/9/2016 1:58 PM by Alessia Vittorangeli
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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