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5 new calls for submission were agreed to during the 44th session of the Subsidiary Body for Science and Technological Advice (SBSTA), in May 2016.

Each submission should include:

·         Name/s of institution(s) and any collaborating partner(s)
·         Country/Countries of focus (if global, please specify)
·         Relevant activities on the thematic area ( and any of the related topics mentioned above )
·         For each activity, a description including:
o   Research, analyses, tools, methods or approaches (that have been used or developed), etc.
o   Key results (including both quantitative and qualitative evidence)
o   Include outputs of the activity (e.g. papers, publications, policies, etc.)
o   Potential challenges met when undertaking the activity, and how those have been overcome
o   Planned next steps (as appropriate)
·         Good practices and lessons learned (as appropriate)
·         Relevant hyperlinks, including to information sources
·         Contact details  for further information
·         Relevant pictures/graphics


The full conclusions of the 44th SBSTA session regarding the NWP can be found here.

*The image above was created using the Piktochart tool​​​