Pages: -Engaging-NWP-partners-and-other-relevant-organizations-in-supporting-NAPs

Name: -Engaging-NWP-partners-and-other-relevant-organizations-in-supporting-NAPs.aspx
Title: Engaging NWP partners and other relevant organizations in supporting NAPs
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NAP Summary: Learn more about opportunities to engage
NAP Description: During the NAP Expo, 20 NWP partner and non-partner organizations participated in a roundtable discussion on the new mandates under the NAP, and discussed the opportunities to engage under the NWP in the upcoming months.
Page Content: The NWP team introduced opportunities for collaboration that are listed here.

During the discussion, participants suggested that they would be interested in implementing a variety of actions, including in supporting NAPs:
·         Joining NWP as partners;
·         Contributing to Open NAP case studies;
·         Making action pledges to support NAPs at the organization level;
·         Contributing submissions requested by the NWP on the topics of adaptation and human health, ecosystems and water resources, human settlements and economic diversification;
·         Participating in the NWP Focal Point Forum on health during COP 22;
·         Providing information on relevant global events they are organizing;
·         Contributing to NWP knowledge products, especially as related to gender as well as indigenous and vulnerable communities;
·         Sharing case studies, tools/methods and other knowledge resources.
Interested in getting involved? Contact for more information on any of the above activities, or with suggestions on how the NWP can best facilitate your efforts to assist Parties in the process of formulating and implementing NAPs.

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Article Date: 8/19/2016

Created at 8/12/2016 11:40 AM by Sachiko Graber
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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