Pages: The-NWP-convenes-virtual-expert-group-meeting-on-oceans-

Name: The-NWP-convenes-virtual-expert-group-meeting-on-oceans-.aspx
Title: The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) convenes virtual expert group meeting on oceans
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NAP Summary: Convening partnerships to build resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosytems
NAP Description: Convening partnerships to build resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosytems
Page Content: Background:
Climate-related risks are increasing the urgency for adaptation in the ocean, coastal areas and their ecosystems. The 2019 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) underscored that climate-resilient sustainable development must be strongly pursued in oceans and coastal areas.

The ocean is central to regulating the global climate system and has a role to play in preparing countries for a more resilient future. Knowledge gaps on issues such as ocean governance, data and methods, finance and technical capacity pose significant barriers to the implementation of scaled-up adaptation action. Work under the NWP since 2019 is helping build momentum to fill these knowledge gaps. NWP is forming action partnerships to build the resilience of oceans and coastal areas as one of its priority thematic areas. Building on the momentum from 2019, the NWP convened a virtual meeting with the expert group on oceans 17-18 June 2020, to discuss collaborative adaptation actions to build resilience of oceans and coastal areas. 20 experts from 19 institutions discussed opportunities for closing knowledge gaps and bridging existing processes and initiatives under and outside the UNFCCC. The actions should have high impact and add value to ongoing work and mandates of relevant institutions and processes.

Outcome of the meeting
The collaborative actions that the expert group discussed include: providing inputs to the UNFCCC ocean-climate dialogue, organizing an event on technologies and traditional practices for coastal protection, developing a policy brief/guidance that facilitate consideration by developing countries of ecosystem-based adaptation programmes for islands and coastal ecosystems in the context of NAPs.

Next steps
The expert group will help address knowledge gaps on oceans and adaptation through collaborative actions, as well as engage broader communities of practice in this regard.

For more information on the meeting read here

Background on the NWP:
In its role as a knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, the NWP connects constituted bodies, institutional arrangements and non-Party stakeholders under the Convention. NWP curates, produces, and communicates knowledge and the establishment of partnerships for learning and collaboration on all aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Click here for more information

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 7/13/2020

Created at 7/13/2020 12:15 PM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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