Abibiman Foundation a Non-Profit Oriented, Non-Partisan, Non-Governmental Organisation (RGD G5,895, DSW 2525),dedicated to the promotion of sustainable Livelihoods, human right, peace, education, environmental, Climate Change, Land and Forest, Agriculture health issues based on knowledge of cultural, civic, formal and non-formal education for a better standard of human. The Foundation upholds the principles of the United Nations and African Union. Accredited member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), International Society of Environmental and Rural Development Council (ISERD), United Nations Global Compact , Adaptation fund (AF NGO network), Global Environment Facility (GEF NGO), Green Climate Fund(GCF), Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH of the WHO), Global Soil Partnership (GSP of the FAO), Habitat International Coalition ,UNCAC Coalition and ECOSOC of the United Nations. he Foundation develop concepts and implement programmes based on a “combined approached matrix” and methodologies that enable its audience to identify problems, set priority, and address needs assessments which act as catalyst for actions with appropriate decision and policy-makers with burden-alleviation and cost-effectiveness analysis. Seen as crucial to the promotion of sustainable livelihoods, peace and development and help break the vicious circle of unemployment, poverty and underdevelopment To work at influencing government policies, and changing national attitude through Policy, Advocacy, Media, Forums, Campaigns, information-sharing, Publicity and popular education in the local community.