Grass-Cast uses almost 40 years of historical data on weather and vegetation growth— combined with seasonal precipitation forecasts—to predict if rangelands in individual grid cells (whose size is 10 km x 10km, or ~ 6 miles x 6 miles) are likely to produce above-normal, near-normal, or below-normal amounts of vegetation. Grass-Cast also provides a view of rangeland productivity in the broader region, to assist in larger-scale decision making—such as where grazing resources might be more plentiful if a rancher’s own region is at risk of drought.
Grass-Cast provides ranchers and land managers with an indication of productivity in the upcoming growing season relative to their area’s more nearly 40-year history. Ranchers and land managers should use this information in combination with their local knowledge of soils, plant communities, topography, and management to help with decision-making.
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