The Forest Service Watershed Condition Framework (WCF) is a management tool for prioritizing watershed restoration activities. It is a six-step process that begins with an assessment of watershed (ecosystem) condition. This guides the selection of priority areas and projects for restoration. The framework ends with monitoring and verifying that implemented projects met the restoration objectives. It considers threats to water-related ecosystems such as from wildfires, dams, or poor water quality and insufficient stream flow. The WCF was designed to provide a high degree of flexibility for local adaptation throughout all steps of the framework, promoting local level ownership, while establishing consistency and accountability. This local ownership has been important for the durability of the program. For many local units, the WCF has been a key piece of information when working with partners and has helped them establish cost sharing agreements to complete essential restoration projects for priority watersheds. The unit of “watersheds” also creates a platform for local units to consider an all lands approach to restoration, going beyond Forest Service boundaries. Direct access to this tool: