Title |
Map of Solutions
NWPWeblink |
NWPTypeOfOrganization |
Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion |
Africa; Asia; Caribbean and Central America; Europe; North America; Pacific/Oceania; Polar regions; South America
Scope of work |
NWPMandatesandFrameworks |
The Map of Solutions’ mandate includes supporting coastal resilience through the inventory and sharing of leading actions across the globe against the impacts of sea level rise, erosion, storm surges, subsidence, and soil salinisation. The framework is based on an analysis of risks and vulnerabilities addressed, the options used (protection responses, nature-based solutions, managed retreat, and capacity building), the modalities of governance and typology of stakeholders involved (governments, local authorities, research, citizens etc.) and the costs (under 100.000 EUR to above 1 million EUR). It is informed by the direct returns of experiences from the implementing organisation.
NWPModalityApproachandMechanism |
NWPEffortsToAddressSOE |
NWPRelevantStakeholders |
All stakeholders involved in the adaptation of coastal territories including policymakers, researchers, representatives of civil society (NGOs, CSOs, local and indigenous communities) and the private sector, financial institutions and international donors.
NWPFocusonNElossesFlag |
NWPImpactAreas |
NWPOutputs |
Good practices and lessons learned |
NWPGapsChallenges |
Date of submission |
Abbreviation |
Activities |
Adaptation element |
Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Climate observations; Climate scenarios; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Financial support; Impact assessment; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Socio-economic data and information; Stakeholder involvement; Technology support; Vulnerability assessment
Adaptation sector/theme |
Coastal areas/zones; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Infrastructure; Urban resilience
Climate hazard |
Floods; Salinization; Sea level rise; Storm surges
Country |
NWPDataSource |
Primary data collected through the written contribution of project managers to an online form.
Description |
The Map of Solutions gathers 100+ initiatives across the world, listing the actions implemented to address erosion, limit the impacts of storm surges or fight against soil salinization. Against these risks, there is no one-size-fits-all response capable of tackling the multitude of issues specific to each city and territory. Hence, the Map of Solutions brings together a variety of ambitious initiatives that combine different approaches ranging from protection responses, nature-based solutions, managed-retreat policies, research projects to capacity building and knowledge sharing activities. The Map of Solutions provides project leaders with concrete feedback, highlighting the outcomes, the takeaways, as well as cautionary remarks.
Expected outcome |
Facilitate the identification and analysis of adaptation solutions implemented by coastal cities across the globe. Connect and inspire local stakeholders.
Further information |
Contribute to the Map of Solutions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePb3AamdNUWZWi0HmcXGNy61ijGzpWxJ-ApjQCEm-y42m2oA/viewform
About the Sea'ties inititative: https://ocean-climate.org/en/seaties-2/
NWPGeographicScope |
Global; Local; National; Regional; Subregional; Transboundary
Indicators of achievement |
NWPInformationType |
NWPJoinDate |
NWPPartner |
Purpose |
To map leading coastal adaptation projects across the world, informing on the conditions, risks, types of actions and stakeholders involved, and to provide feedbacks on keys to success as well as cautionary remarks.
Regional group |
Target group |
Academics and scientists; Communities; Policy makers; Practitioners; Private sector
NWPWorkStream |
NWPYear |
NWPOutcome |
Capacity-building, peer to peer exchange of knowledge and experiences, improved data accessibility and sharing.
NWPPartners |
Type of knowledge resource |
Scale of work |
NWPSlowOnsetEvents |
NWPReferences |
Implementing partners |
NWPYearPublication |
NWPUpdate |
SourceItemID |
NWPSecendaryEmail |
NWPPrimaryEmail |
NWPTypeOfKnowledge |
Technical document/report
NWPCountryItem |
NWPRelevantWeblinks |
https://seaties.ocean-climate.org/index-en.html;#The Map of Solutions is an online interactive tool featuring coastal adaptation projects deployed across the globe and providing project leaders with concrete feedback, highlighting the outcomes, takeaways and cautionary remarks to inspire action.