Grassroots Climate Solutions: Community-Led Climate Adaptation in Targeted Libyan Municipalities
Libya is a nation predominantly marked by arid and semi-arid terrains, experiencing exacerbated climate vulnerabilities due to ongoing challenges like political instability, economic downturns, and social inequalities. The intensifying climate crisis poses a multi-layered challenge to the country, including issues such as water scarcity, desertification, and increased frequency of extreme weather events.
SECCAR-Project Overview :
To address these challenges, the SECCAR (Sustainable Environmental and Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience) project has been initiated. This project aims to strengthen community and institutional resilience against climate impacts and social conflicts. In collaboration with key governmental bodies like the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Water, and Ministry of Agriculture, SECCAR will engage an international expert company to conduct climate risk assessments and formulate adaptation plans, focusing primarily on water and agriculture sectors. This international cooperation will facilitate the establishment of specialized climate change units within these ministries and build their capacities.
Moomken's Involvement :
Moomken Organization for Awareness and Media is proposing to contribute specifically to Module Objective Indicator 4 and the associated outputs. The organization will focus on:
Facilitating the development of integrated adaptation strategies in three partner communities, ensuring at least 30% participation of women, to improve the resilience of local basic services and livelihoods.
Laying the foundations for community conflict and climate resilience concerning basic service delivery and livelihood conservation.
Employing participatory approaches, with a minimum 30% women involvement, to assess the vulnerability of basic services and livelihoods in three partner municipalities to local conflict and climate change impacts.
Establishing an exchange format for peer-to-peer learning among municipalities, addressing local adaptation to climate change and improving the resilience of local livelihoods and basic services.