The Regenerative Society Foundation is a participatory foundation made by and for companies, born to promote a new regenerative socio-economic model. RSF aims to accelerate the ecological transition by scaling up regenerative projects, creating and sharing knowledge about Regeneration, providing the private sector with impact evaluations, resources and problem solving.
RSF mission is to promote the Regenerative model for businesses to accomplish the ecological transition. Its macro-objective for 2030 is to develop and institutionalize a regenerative model across its founding companies to be generalized outside, through actions in 4 main areas of intervention:
1. Reducing GHG and rebuilding the carbon stock in the earth and water biospheres
2. Preserving biodiversity
3. Developing circular materials and supply chains
4. Nurturing and targeting well-being while pursuing the double benefit - health and happiness.
The focus is on European businesses. The goal is putting companies at the center: they are the main actors which, collectively, can reach the critical mass needed to trigger the change and, at the same time, improve the citizens' well-being. RSF provide companies with assistance, specifically through knowledge transfer (education, advisory & project mentorship), financing solutions and reporting, establishing strong public private partnerships.