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MainDB: Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal


Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal



Civil society


Africa; Asia; Europe; North America; South America

Scope of work
















Good practices and lessons learned

Actors implementing adaptation in mountain regions (and elsewhere) need detailed information on potential adaptation solutions to appraise which solutions are most suitable for their needs, budget, and capacities, and to replicate them while also tailoring them to their context. To support the scaling of successful solutions this information needs to be shared in a structured way that makes it easily discoverable and accessible to a diverse array of actors. Providing such detailed information, some of which is tacit, can be challenging for those contributing the solutions. 

It is important to offer support to contributors and provide different pathways (e.g. word documents as opposed to direct entry into a database system) for them to contribute their work Knowledge fragmentation remains a major issue in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Now that the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal is up and running, emphasis is being put on using it to connect different databases sharing climate-related knowledge for mountains, to make it easier for those working in these regions to find all the knowledge they need.



Date of submission






Adaptation element

Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Climate observations; Climate scenarios; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Financial support; Impact assessment; Institutional arrangements; Knowledge management; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Socio-economic data and information; Stakeholder involvement; Technology support; Vulnerability assessment

Adaptation sector/theme

Agriculture; Food security; Water resources; Ecosystems; Biodiversity; Health; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Adaptation finance; Disaster risk reduction; Infrastructure; Human settlements; Gender; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Urban resilience; Tourism; Services

Climate hazard

Desertification; Drought; Erratic rainfall; Extreme cold; Floods; Glacial retreat; Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Shift of seasons; Wildfire






Mountains feature some of the clearest indications of climate change: rising temperatures, melting glaciers and changing precipitation patterns, which are disrupting water flows and affecting ecosystems, creating and worsening natural hazards and threatening livelihoods and communities both within the mountains and downstream. The Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal has been designed to support the sharing and transfer of knowledge on interventions that are helping to reduce vulnerability and climate risk in the mountains. The Portal provides easy access to information on tried, tested, and replicable solutions, making these solutions easier to find, explore, and appraise for everyone working on this topic. 

The Portal is also specifically designed to give visibility and recognition to solution contributors and enable potential adopters of solutions to connect with those who have implemented these solutions in the field. The Portal is open to contributions from all actors working in mountains, and these are welcomed and encouraged to share their implemented solutions. Details of guidance and support to enable this are available here

Prior to publishing, solutions are evaluated according to the evaluation criteria. This criteria is published here. The ‘solutions’ in the Portal include technologies, approaches, and/or processes to adjust natural or human systems to actual or expected climate impacts, in order to reduce expected losses or harness benefits. The diverse array of solutions in the Portal ranges from community-based initiatives to early warning systems to education programmes to land restoration and many more. 

The solutions can be filtered by scales of implementation, ecosystem types, solution types, and impacts addressed. They incorporate disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystem restoration approaches. Solutions in the Portal contain key information to support its replication in and tailoring to other contexts, including: 
  • Who the solution benefits
  • Its target and reported outcomes
  • Which SDGs and Sendai Framework goals it addresses
  • How it was planned, implemented, and funded
  • What is innovative about it
  • How its performance has been evaluated and what the results of this are
  • Its long-term sustainability including actions taken to ensure its sustainability 
  • The capacities required for its successful implementation, including knowledge, technology, political, institutional and socio-cultural capacities
  • Its outlook and potential for scaling and transformation
  • What barriers and adverse effects have been observed and actions taken to mitigate these, and 
  • Links to supporting and relevant resources and documentation

The Adaptation at Altitude (A@A) Solutions Portal is being developed through the Adaptation at Altitude programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), which seeks to support mountain communities and those working with them by improving the knowledge of appropriate climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies in the mountains, and transferring that knowledge through science–policy platforms to inform decision-making in national, regional and global policy processes.

Expected outcome


Further information

The Adaptation at Altitude (A@A) Solutions Portal: 
The Adaptation at Altitude programme:


Global; Local; National; Regional; Subregional; Transboundary

Indicators of achievement



Online portal




Stockholm Environment Institute



Regional group


Target group

Academics and scientists; Communities; Policy makers; Practitioners; Private sector









Type of knowledge resource


Scale of work





The Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal: A global database of CCA solutions for mountain regions -​

Implementing partners

  1. The Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal is being developed through the Adaptation at Altitude programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Adaptation at Altitude programme partners include: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  2. University of Geneva
  3. Zoï Environment Network (Zoï)
  4. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  5. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  6. Consorcio para el Desarollo Sostenible de la Ecoregión Andina (CONDESAN)
  7. Mountain Research Initiative (MRI)












Technical document/report






Content Type: NWPSearchableItem
Created at 07/07/2022 16:16 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 07/07/2022 16:16 by crmmocservices