Organization Description |
BISP has a nationwide presence with headquarters in Federal Capital Islamabad and 6 regional offices at provincial capitals, AJK and GB. There are 33 divisional offices and 385 Tehsil offices all across the country. The Government of Pakistan launched the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) – the National Cash Transfer Programme (NCTP) – in July 2008, as the premier safety net institution in Pakistan. BISP originally came into being in the face of rapid food price inflation, which saw food, grain and fuel prices reaching a 30-year highest in 2008 and the global economic downturn in 2009 which further decreased the welfare of already vulnerable households. The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), a targeted unconditional cash transfer program in Pakistan was implemented by focusing on poor women with an immediate objective of consumption smoothing and cushioning the negative effects of slow economic growth Goals and objective of Programme are as follows Enhance financial capacity of poor people and their dependent family members. Formulate and implement comprehensive policies and targeted programmes for the uplift of underprivileged and vulnerable people. Reduce poverty and promote equitable distribution of wealth especially for the low income groups.