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GIZ is a bilateral agency offering customized solutions to complex challenges and assist the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation, demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development.


Responding to the call for bilateral agencies to support the NAP process, the following are GIZ fields of work related to NAPs.
  • Development of methods and tools for the elements of the NAP process based on the NAP technical guidelines;
  • Bilateral support for partner countries;
  • Participation in multilateral for a/global discussions on NAPs.
GIZ offers further assistance to enable countries implement the technical guidelines. The following supplementary materials were prepared:

  • NAP Align (Aligning NAP processes to development and budget planning) provides practical recommendations on how to integrate adaptation to climate change into a country’s planning and budgeting system. 
  • The Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning (SNAP) Tool helps in assessing a country’s current national adaptation planning capacities and in identifying strategic goals for NAP that feed into the preparation of a country specific NAP Roadmap. 
  • The Guidebook on Developing National Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Systems aims to guide developing countries in formulating an appropriate M&E system for adaptation through informed decision on the purpose, design, operationalisation, and use of results. Given its close linkages with the broader development and M&E context in a given country, the Guidebook shows the various nuances to consider in establishing an M&E system for adaptation and likewise recognizes that there is no one-size-fits all approach to national M&E of adaptation.
GIZ also cooperates with the GEF/LDCF financed NAP Global Support Programme(NAP-GSP) which assists Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in developing their NAPs. Besides joint advisory missions, GIZ cooperates with the NAP-GSP partner organizations UNDP and UNITAR in developing a  NAP country-level training.