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The LEG, as part of its work programme for 2015, has now completed the publication "Best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in least developed countries". 
This publication, which is the third volume in the series, builds on the first and the second volumes and communicates initial experiences, best practices and lessons learned by the LDCs and other developing countries on the process to formulate and implement NAPs. It features the countries’ best practices and lessons learned around eight focus areas critical for the initial stages of the process.
The eight focus areas are:
  1. Initiating and launching of the national adaptation plan process;
  2. Putting in place an explicit mandate for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans;
  3. Developing a road map for the process to formulate and implement NAPs
  4. Integrating adaptation into development planning from the onset;
  5. Establishing effective institutional arrangements;
  6. Effectively engaging stakeholders: identification, involvement and inclusion;
  7. Assessing and managing climate risk and vulnerability;
  8. Addressing capacity gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Download full copy here.