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NS-242 - Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Construction Sector in Mongolia


NAMA Seeking Support for Preparation

  • A Overview
    • A.1Party
      A.2Title of Mitigation Action

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      A.3Description of mitigation action

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      The objective of the project is to facilitate market transformation for energy efficiency in the construction sector through the development and implementation of NAMA in Mongolia. This objective will be achieved by removing barriers to increased adoption of energy efficiency technology in construction sector through three components; i) establishment of baseline energy consumption and GHG emission in the construction sector ii) development and implementation of NAMA in the construction sector iii) measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for NAMA. This project will be implemented over a 40 months period and is expected to achieve GHG emission reductions through the displacement of electricity heat generation from coal power plants and CHPs. Direct GHG emission reduction over the lifetime of the project is estimated to be 64,219 tCO2e. The estimated range of potential indirect emission reduction is 57,435 to 438,926 tCO2e that is cumulative for a 10-year period after the end of the project.  

      The NAMA in the construction sector will greatly benefit Mongolia which is one of the countries in major transition. The rapid economic expansion often put the monetary benefit on priority and put a heavy toll on environmental impact of the country.  Air pollution in Ulaanbaatar is increasing at the alarming rate and threatens to the health and welfare of the population. Mongolia will have benefits from GHG emission reduction as the construction sector is one of the major GHG emission contributors. The results of this project will help Mongolia progress towards the implementation of Green Development Policy and Sustainable Development Goals.

      The total cost of the NAMA is estimated at around US$ $8,169,863. This includes support to cover the investment costs of the technical intervention as well as extensive capacity-building efforts. In total, the Government of Mongolia is committed to providing $3,350,000; GEF support is $1,269,863 and $3,450,000 from the private sector.

      Implementation of the NAMA will be led by the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, Government of Mongolia in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment; Green Development and Tourism; Ministry of Energy. The Ministry of Environment; Green Development and Tourism is the Focal Point to the UNFCCC.
      A.6Type of action
      A.7Greenhouse gases covered by the action
  • B National Implementing Entity
    • B.1.0Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3

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      Add Additional Entity
  • C Expected timeframe for the preparation of the mitigation action
    • C.1Number of months for completion
  • D Currency
    • D.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 1
  • E Cost
    • E.1.1Estimated full cost of preparation
      Conversion to USD: 109,500
      E.1.2Comments on full cost of preparation

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      The full costs of preparation include the required technical support and stakeholder consultation meetings.

  • F Support required to prepare the mitigation action
    • F.1.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 109,500
      F.1.2Type of required Financial support
      F.1.3Comments on Financial support

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      Financial Support is required to complete the NAMA Design Document.
      F.2.1Amount of Technical support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      F.2.2Comments on Technical support

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      The amount on the technical support is included in the estimated full cost of the preparation.

      F.3.1Amount of capacity building support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      F.3.2Type of required capacity building support
      F.3.3Comments on Capacity Building support

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      Capacity building support is partly included in the costs for preparation of the NAMA Design Document (stakeholder consultation meetings) but in depth capacity building will be required for the implementation of the NAMA. 

      Capacity Building Support will be necessary for full engagement of the NAMA Implementing Entity during the NAMA preparation and will entail stakeholder consultation meetings to ensure the establishment of a strong institutional dialogue.

      Capacity development trainings will be designed and incorporated in the detailed design of the NAMA on aspects ranging from GHG and non GHG data collection, analysis, reference baselines, NAMA evaluation, formulation, implementation, financing, MRV. Both public and private sector decision makers, practitioners, construction sector fraternity, will be trained. Throughout the trainings, special efforts will also be made to encourage equitable representation of men and women personnel as possible. Post training surveys will be designed and executed whereby the survey will also gather information to determine the level of skill sets that trainees have acquired and how they are applying the skills. The survey wil also evaluate the proportion of related jobs held my men and women after the successful completion of the trainings. 

  • G Relevant National Policies strategies, plans and programmes and/or other mitigation action
    • G.1Relevant National Policies

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      - State Policy on Energy (Parliament resolution No 63, 2015)

      - Energy Conservation (EC) Law (2015)

      - Green Development Policy (2014)

      - Second National Communication to the UNFCCC (2010)

      - National Action Program on Climate Change (2011 -2021)

      - Technology Needs Assessment (2013)

      - Government Action Plan (2012-2016)

      G.2Link to other NAMAs
  • H Attachments
  • I Support received
    • I.1Outside the Registry

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      - Support provided: Technical support by GEF/UNDP Mongolia 
      - Support Type: NAMA preparation 
      - Amount: USD109,500

      I.2Within the Registry
      Support providedSupportTypeAmountCommentDate
      No records to display.
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