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NS-13 - NAMA in the Forestry sector


NAMA Seeking Support for Preparation

  • A Overview
    • A.1Party
      A.2Title of Mitigation Action

      This field is limited by 200 characters.

      A.3Description of mitigation action

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      A list of 10 activities comprising afforestation, reafforestation, carbon sequestration, etc. with a total abatement potential of 12 000 000 TECO2/year
      A.6Type of action
      A.7Greenhouse gases covered by the action
  • B National Implementing Entity
    • B.1.0Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Add Additional Entity
  • C Expected timeframe for the preparation of the mitigation action
    • C.1Number of months for completion
  • D Currency
    • D.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 1
  • E Cost
    • E.1.1Estimated full cost of preparation
      Conversion to USD: 200,000
      E.1.2Comments on full cost of preparation

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

  • F Support required to prepare the mitigation action
    • F.1.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 40,000
      F.1.2Type of required Financial support
      F.1.3Comments on Financial support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      F.2.1Amount of Technical support
      Conversion to USD: 60,000
      F.2.2Comments on Technical support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      A Domestic MRV (Measuring, Reporting and Verification) in the forestry sector needs to be conceptualized, developped and implimented based on national instutional frameworks. Capacity in terms of monitoring and evaluation should be strengthened, as well as the provision of technical and financial resources to ensure training, data collection, monitoring, and evaluation, etc
      F.3.1Amount of capacity building support
      Conversion to USD: 100,000
      F.3.2Type of required capacity building support
      F.3.3Comments on Capacity Building support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Capacity building will be needed in the sector, for both the adoption and the wide dissemination of practices for Forest sustainable management and alternatives to deforestation, as well as the calculation of emission reductions and baselines, in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and the preparation of REDD + National Strategy
  • G Relevant National Policies strategies, plans and programmes and/or other mitigation action
    • G.1Relevant National Policies

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Forest Management Policy, the National Policy on Climate Change (PNCC), its Strategy (SNCC) and its Action Plan (PANC), The National Plan on Desertification, (PNLCD), The Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management, The Domestic Energy Strategy (SED)
      G.2Link to other NAMAs
  • H Attachments
  • I Support received
    • I.1Outside the Registry

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      I.2Within the Registry
      Support providedSupportTypeAmountCommentDate
      No records to display.
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