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NS-31 - Expansion of existing heating network in Valjevo


NAMA Seeking Support for Implementation

  • A Overview
    • A.1Party
      A.2Title of Mitigation Action
      A.3Description of mitigation action
      The NAMA is the expansion of the existing district heating network to the city areas of Valjevo with the aim of energy efficiency improvement and air pollution reduction. Total heat capacity to be connected to the district heating system under the project will be 37.85 MW. The mitigation action involves installation of a hot water network in the length of 9.7 km and closure of 25 existing inefficient heating stations (boiler rooms) and individual furnaces in 94 residential buildings. 119 new heating substations will also be constructed in order to supply heat to the total surface area of 286,649 m2. NAMA will lead to climate change mitigation through reducing fuel consumption at outdated inefficient boilers for heating.
      A.6Type of action
      A.7Greenhouse gases covered by the action
  • B National Implementing Entity
    • B.1.0Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3
      Add Additional Entity
  • C Expected timeframe for the implementation of the mitigation action
    • C.1Number of years for completion
      C.2Expected start year of implementation
  • D Currency
    • D.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 1
  • E Cost
    • E.1.1Estimated full cost of implementation
      Conversion to USD: 7,761,966
      E.1.2Comments on full cost of implementation
      E.2.1Estimated incremental cost of implementation
      Conversion to USD: 0
      E.2.2Comments on estimated incremental cost of implementation
  • F Support required for the implementation the mitigation action
    • F.1.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 7,761,966
      F.1.2Type of required Financial support
      F.1.3Comments on Financial support
      Expected initial investment includes construciton of hot water network (EUR 3.6 million) and substations (EUR 2.4 million)
      F.2.1Amount of Technological support
      F.2.2Comments on Technological support
      F.3.1Amount of capacity building support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      F.3.2Type of required capacity building support
      F.3.3Comments on Capacity Building support
  • G Estimated emission reductions
    • G.1Amount
      G.3Additional imformation (e.g. if available, information on the methodological approach followed)
      252,270 tCO2e (30 years) Methodology applied for estimation: General calculation method as used in IPCC Guidelines
  • H Other indicators
    • H.1Other indicators of implementation
      Technical documentation has been prepared for new heating substations and network
  • I Other relevant information
    • I.1Other relevant information including co-benefits for local sustainable development
      Reduction of local air pollution, Efficient use of energy sources and Creation of local employment opportunities
  • J Relevant National Policies strategies, plans and programmes and/or other mitigation action
    • J.1Relevant National Policies
      The First Energy efficiency plan of the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2010 to 2012
      J.2Link to other NAMAs
  • K Attachments
  • L Support received
    • L.1Outside the Registry
      L.2Within the Registry
      Support providedSupportTypeAmountCommentDate
      ODA for Climate Change MeasuresTechnological960,000 10/16/2014
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