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NS-293 - Efficient use of fuelwood and alternative fuels in indigenous and rural communities in Guatemala


NAMA Seeking Support for Implementation

  • A Overview
    • A.1Party
      A.2Title of Mitigation Action
      A.3Description of mitigation action
      The total annual demand for firewood is currently estimated to 16 million tons of dry basis fuelwood generating 8.7 million tCO2e/year (INAB, 2015). Firewood consumption levels range from 2 (in Alta Verapaz) to 4.6 (in Huehuetenango) m3/year/capita. Quiché, Huehuetenango, San Marcos are the departments with the largest firewood deficit. About 62% of the national population[1] and 98.4% of rural households in the five target departments[2] cook over “open fires”, a highly inefficient cooking technique: it is estimated that of every 100 units of heat generated, 92 units are lost.

      Hereinafter, the term “open fire” refers to an in-house fire that is not contained by a fireplace or stove- generally in Guatemala, the open fire is only surrounded by three stones that support the comal (traditional round metallic stove) and pots. The open fire is associated with poorly controlled combustion and constant emissions that are inhaled by users. With the NSP intervention, through the promotion of ICS, it is expected to reduce by i) minimum 40% the use of firewood in controlled laboratory conditions, and 35% in real households conditions with a, improved cookstoves, and enable the GEI mitigation of about 2.3 tCO2e/year/ improved firewood stove[4], equivalent to accumulated 1.3 M tCO2e by the end of the project (225,000 ICS in 5 years); and 7.1 M tCO2e accumulated by year 10. 
      A.6Type of action
      A.7Greenhouse gases covered by the action
  • B National Implementing Entity
    • B.1.0Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3
      Add Additional Entity
  • C Expected timeframe for the implementation of the mitigation action
    • C.1Number of years for completion
      C.2Expected start year of implementation
  • D Currency
    • D.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 1
  • E Cost
    • E.1.1Estimated full cost of implementation
      Conversion to USD: 14,230,272
      E.1.2Comments on full cost of implementation
      FC Component 7 140 000 TC Component 3 860 000
      E.2.1Estimated incremental cost of implementation
      Conversion to USD: 21
      E.2.2Comments on estimated incremental cost of implementation

      Financial ambition:

      • Leverage at least EUR (€) 16.4 million from the private sector for credits and micro credits for the production and purchase of ICS through corporations and private financial institutions and loans to manufacturers and distributors.
      • Leverage of at least EUR (€) 1.3 million as in-kind contributions that will be provided across all proposed actions (experts, services, logistics, other expenses).
  • F Support required for the implementation the mitigation action
    • F.1.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 14,230,272
      F.1.2Type of required Financial support
      F.1.3Comments on Financial support
      Not Refundable grant
      F.2.1Amount of Technological support
      F.2.2Comments on Technological support
      F.3.1Amount of capacity building support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      F.3.2Type of required capacity building support
      F.3.3Comments on Capacity Building support
  • G Estimated emission reductions
    • G.1Amount
      G.3Additional imformation (e.g. if available, information on the methodological approach followed)
      and 7.1 M tCO2e accumulated by year 10. 
  • H Other indicators
    • H.1Other indicators of implementation

      the project will benefit to 1.1 million people mostly indigenous women and children in rural areas and indigenous communities, living in poor and extremely poor conditions[1]. They will be direct beneficiaries of capacity development activities and increased access to funding, while also receiving indirect economic and health benefits derived from the adoption of ICS.

      The project is also expected to directly benefit to 5,000 additional people (public officers, extension agents and technical staff from partner organizations, and community support agents) as recipients of capacity development activities implemented as part of the TC.  Some 40 ICS manufacturers and distributors will also directly benefit from increased access to tailored funding under the FC and capacity development activities. 3,750 jobs will be created in the value-chain.

      [1] The National Institute of Statistics of Guatemala (INE from its Spanish acronym: Instituto Nacional de Estadística Guatemala) defines people living in extreme poverty as those who are not able to cover their food needs, and population living in poverty, those who can cover their foods needs, but not the additional minimum cost for others basic goods and services. In Guatemala, the poverty line is set at Q4,3 earning per day. 

  • I Other relevant information
    • I.1Other relevant information including co-benefits for local sustainable development
  • J Relevant National Policies strategies, plans and programmes and/or other mitigation action
    • J.1Relevant National Policies
      • At the legal level, the “Ley Marco para Regular la Reducción de la Vulnerabilidad, la Adaptación Obligatoria ante los efectos del Cambio. Climático y la Mitigación de Gases de Efecto Invernadero” (Framework Law to Regulate the Reduction of Vulnerability, Compulsory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases) adopted in 2013 through Decree 7-2013[1], defines a set of instruments for mitigation and adaption to climate change, in particular Article 11 that mandates the formulation of a Plan de Acción Nacional de Cambio Climático- PANCC (National Climate Change Action Plan) which was adopted in 2016[2]; and Article 18 that mandates the formulation of a Plan Nacional de Energía (National Energy Plan) which was adopted in 2017 . Its Decree 9 also establishes the National Information System on Climate Change (SNICC) and underscores the need for all public and private companies to provide information on their emissions and about reduction activities. The SNICC includes three subsystems that are: Climate Science, Vulnerability and Adaptation as well as Emissions and removals of Greenhouse Gases. Within the latter appear the "mitiga[3]ion strategies" and within it the CDM and also the NAMAs and the NDCs.
      • At the strategic level, the Política Nacional de Cambio Climático (National Climate Change Policy) approved in 2009[4] and Decree 7-2013 defines the areas of incidence as follows: I) strengthening national capacities, ii) reducing vulnerability, iii) risk management, iv) climate change adaptation and mitigation; iv) Inter-institutional coordination, especially through the National Council on Climate Change, v) Public awareness and participation, and vi) Financial resources, through the creation of the National Fund for Climate Change.
      • Guatemala presented its National Action Plan of Climate Change during the Conference of Parties -COP-and ratified by the Paris Agreement in 2016. In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Guatemala commits to an unconditional 11.2% emissions cut in 2030, relative to business as usual projections, or a conditional 22.6% reduction. These targets imply that the estimated emissions of 53.85 million tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) for the year 2030, based on business as usual projections, will be reduced to 47.81 million tons of CO2e in 2030 under the unconditional scenario; and to 41.66 million tons of CO2e under the conditional scenario. One of the prioritized sectors to achieve the NDC is the efficient use of firewood.
      • The Política Nacional de Desarrollo- Katún Nuestra Guatemala 2032 (National Development -Katún, Our Guatemala 2032) adopted in 2014[5] defines as a target that by 2032, CO2 emissions be stabilized at 2.5 tons per capita. In addition, it states that policies, plans and budgets will be oriented towards results management, sectoral policies will be territorialized and public investment will be monitored and recorded with transparency, including the National Policy of Change Climate Change and the National Plans of Action for the Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change.
      • Currently, MARN, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development -USAID- is formulating the National Low Emission Development Strategy for the following sectors: change in land use and forestry, energy, industrial processes, transport and waste[6].


      J.2Link to other NAMAs
  • K Attachments
  • L Support received
    • L.1Outside the Registry
      L.2Within the Registry
      Support providedSupportTypeAmountCommentDate
      No records to display.