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S-122 - ODA for Climate Change Measures


Information on Support Available

  • A Source of Support
    • A.1Support title

      This field is limited by 200 characters.

      A.2Support description

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      1. Outline of JICA’s Cooperation

      JICA is an Japanese ODA executing organization . In accordance with its vision of “Inclusive and Dynamic Development,” JICA supports the resolution of issues of developing countries by using the most suitable tools of various bilateral cooperation schemes such as ODA loans, grant aid and technical cooperation. Climate change is one of the global issues focused by JICA.

      JICA supports most of the ODA eligible countries listed in OECD. In accordance with the Japan’s support policy of each country, details of support are elaborated and determined based on dialogue on support needs of the recipient country and support resources in Japan.

      2. Support to address Climate Change by JICA

      JICA actively supports measures to tackle climate change in developing countries according to the following principles.
      1) Climate Compatible Sustainable Development
      2) Comprehensive Assistance using an Array of Schemes
      3) Collaboration with Development and Climate Partners
      Please refer to Attachment 1 and 2 for details.

      JICA also recognizes the importance of collaboration with the private sector in climate change issues, and enhances the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) through, such as, the Private-Sector Investment Finance (target issues: (i) MDGs and the poverty reduction, (ii) acceleration of infrastructure development and growth, and (iii) measures against climate change), PPP feasibility study assistance, BOP (Base of Pyramid) business feasibility assistance.


      3. NAMA Supports by JICA

      JICA offers comprehensive supports on climate change including NAMAs ranging from development of climate change strategies and plans to their implementation. Examples of supports include development of national/ local climate change policy and strategies, development of NAMA plans, implementation of individual mitigation projects (financial supports for promoting energy efficiency, construction of renewable energy power plants, construction of mass rapid transit system, forest conservation including REDD+, supports for development of national GHG inventory, trainings, etc.).

      JICA flexibly combines various schemes such as ODA loans, grant aid and technical cooperation tailored to the support needs of the recipient country. Some of the project (or its component) may be conducted as a NAMA under the mutual consent between the partner country and JICA.

      It should be noted that it is not required for receiving JICA’s NAMA supports to submit NAMAs and/or register to NAMA Registry, while it is essential to make an official request of ODA support to the government of Japan through diplomatic channels.

      A.4Government entity providing the resources
      A.4.1Contact Person 1
      A.4.5Contact Person 2
      A.4.9Contact Person 3
  • B Organization channelling the resources
    • B.1Organization Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3
      B.1.13Type of organisation

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

  • C Currency
    • C.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 0
  • D Support available
    • D.1Support available for
      D.1.1Regional scope
      D.1.2Comments (provide further details on regional scope)

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Please refer to A.2
      D.1.3Target country (in any)
      D.2.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.2.2Maximum amount of Financial support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.2.3Type of required Financial support
      D.2.4Comments on Financial support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      JICA offers NAMA supports effectively utilizing financial tools such as ODA loans, grant aid and technical cooperation. Please refer to A.2 for details.
      D.3.1Amount of Technological support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.3.2Maximum amount of Technological support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.3.3Type of Technology
      D.3.4Comments on Technological support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Please refer to A.2
      D.4.1Amount of Capacity Building support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.4.2Maximum amount of Capacity Building support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.4.3Type of Capacity Building support
      D.4.4Comments on Capacity Building support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      Please refer to A.2
  • E Types of action that may be supported
    • E.1Sector
      E.2Type of action
  • F Process for the provision of support
    • F.1Description
  • G Attachments
  • H Information on support provided
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