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S-205 - UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme (LECB Programme)


Information on Support Available

  • A Source of Support
    • A.1Support title

      This field is limited by 200 characters.

      A.2Support description

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      The UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme promotes essential cooperation between relevant institutions, engaging the public sector and industry in a concerted effort to address climate change consistent with national development priorities around the world. Programme-supported projects aim to strengthen technical and institutional capacity at the national level. This work includes the identification and formulation of NAMAs, Low emission development strategies (LEDS), mitigation actions in selected industries with the participation of the private sector, the strengthening of GHG inventory management systems and the design of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems.

      The global programme is supported through generous contributions by the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), and the Australian Government, while implemented by UNDP. The LECB Programme is active in twenty five countries around the globe, including: Argentina, Bhutan, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, DRC, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia

      For more information please visit,

      A.4Government entity providing the resources
      A.4.1Contact Person 1
      A.4.5Contact Person 2
      A.4.9Contact Person 3
  • B Organization channelling the resources
    • B.1Organization Name
      B.1.1Contact Person 1
      B.1.5Contact Person 2
      B.1.9Contact Person 3
      B.1.13Type of organisation

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

  • C Currency
    • C.1Used Currency
      Conversion to USD: 1
  • D Support available
    • D.1Support available for
      D.1.1Regional scope

      D.1.2Comments (provide further details on regional scope)

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      D.1.3Target country (in any)
      D.2.1Amount of Financial support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.2.2Maximum amount of Financial support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.2.3Type of required Financial support

      D.2.4Comments on Financial support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      D.3.1Amount of Technological support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.3.2Maximum amount of Technological support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.3.3Type of Technology

      D.3.4Comments on Technological support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

      D.4.1Amount of Capacity Building support
      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.4.2Maximum amount of Capacity Building support per NAMA

      If there is a maximum amount of this type of support available per NAMA please record this here

      Conversion to USD: 0
      D.4.3Type of Capacity Building support

      D.4.4Comments on Capacity Building support

      This field is limited by 5000 characters.

  • E Types of action that may be supported
    • E.1Sector

      E.2Type of action

  • F Process for the provision of support
    • F.1Description
  • G Attachments
  • H Information on support provided
    • H.1Outside the Registry
      H.2within the Registry
      Recipient NAMASupportTypeAmountCommentDate
      No records to display.
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