NAMA: LNG Terminal with regasification capacity of 10.000.000m3/d of natural gas with possible expansion to 15.000.000m3/d

Title: LNG Terminal with regasification capacity of 10.000.000m3/d of natural gas with possible expansion to 15.000.000m3/d
DescriptionOfMitigationAction: In 2008 the Uruguayan Government has established a detailed Energy Policy framework. In 2010 this policy was approved by a special Committee including all Political Parties. This Committee was also responsible for the establishment of the broad outlines of the national energy policy and the analysis of main strategic decisions. One of the aims defined under the Energy Policy established by the Government, was to diversify the national energy mix by increasing the use of renewable energy sources. In order to have a thermal back-up for the electric generation, the government could have opted for: gas oil, fuel oil or coal as fuels. However, because of the following reasons the government has decided to implement the use of natural gas: - Best compatibility with renewable sources in our energy context. -Improvement of environmental terms of energy use, reducing CO2 emissions. -Positive externalities in the non-electrical sector. -Take advantage of already existing investments (gas pipelines, power turbines, industries boilers) - Gas turbines in combined cycles have better efficiency than others technologies. - Also this project will provide energetic independence and economic development
SectorNR: Energy supply; Residential and Commercial buildings; Transport and its Infrastructure; Industry
TechnologyNR: Energy Efficiency; Cleaner fuels
TypeOfActionNR: National/Sectoral policy or program; Project: Investment in infrastructure
EntityName: Secretary of Energy; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
EntityAddress1: Mercedes 1041 - 2nd floor, Montevideo, CP: 11.100||
EntityContactPerson1: Dr. Ramón Méndez (Head of Secretary of Energy)||
EntityContactPerson1Alternate: Ing. Alejandra Reyes||
EntityPhone1: +598 2900 6919||
EntityPhone1Alternate: Ing. Alejandra Reyes||
EntityEmail1Alternate: Ing. Alejandra Reyes||
YearsForCompletion: 3
StartYearOfImplementation: 2012
UsedCurrency: USD
EstimatedFullCostOfPreparation: 5000000
EmissionReductionsAmount: 0.49
EmissionReductionsUnit: MtCO2e/yr
EmissionReductionsComments: In order to estimate the emissions reduction, we only considered the electric demand for natural gas for the period from 2015 (Launching operation of the plant) to 2029, but not the possible extension of the contract for another period of 10 years, as is provided in the contractual terms. An average demand for the period was considered. The methodology followed was to calculate the difference between the amount of emissions produced by obtaining the final energy demanded by electric sector by the exclusive gas oil burning and natural gas burning. The total decrease of emissions, in the period considered would be 7.35 MtCO2e. Please note that the period specification is only due to the availability of demand forecast data; since the project will be extended further than 2029. Therefore, the total emission reduction amount for the project will be considerably superior than 7.35 MtCO2e.
OtherIndicatorsComments: The number of years for completion is the time remaining to complete the Project since the date.
OtherRelevantInformation: The availability of GNL as fuel for thermal generation, offers the possibility to have a primary energy source with very good environmental characteristics, at a potentially competitive price. Moreover, the Project allows better management of electricity balance during periods of low rainfall, and supporting the increasing electricity demand in a hydroelectric scenario almost fully exploited.
RelevantNationalPolicies: UTE, the public power utility, is now investing USD 500.000.000 in a new generation plant based on natural gas, that includes gas turbines in combined cycle, complementing this project. More information at:,6,36,O,S,0,MNU;E;30;5;MNU;,
UNParty: Uruguay
CoveredGreenhouseGases: CO2
Item Status: Published
Publishing date: 11/21/2014
Approval Status: Approved

Created at 10/14/2013 3:07 PM by Milan Klima
Last modified at 8/28/2015 2:41 PM by System Account
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