NAMA: Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund

Title: Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund
SupportDescription: GEF unites 183 countries in partnership with international institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs), and the private sector to address global environmental issues while supporting national sustainable development initiatives. Today the GEF is the largest public funder of projects to improve the global environment. An independently operating financial organization, the GEF provides grants for projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. The GEF projects in climate change help developing countries and economies in transition to contribute to the overall objective of the UNFCCC "to achieve [...] stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner" (from the text of the UNFCCC, Art.2). The GEF supports projects in: ■Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of renewable energy; energy efficiency; sustainable transport; and management of land use, land-use change ,and forestry (LULUCF) ■Climate Change Adaptation: Aiming at developing countries to become climate-resilient by promoting both immediate and longer-term adaptation measures in development policies, plans, programs, projects, and actions. For more information on funding modalities for countries ( to access GEF Trust Fund for NAMA related activities under Climate Change portfolio please visit:
EntityName1: The World Bank serves as the GEF Trustee. It administers, mobilizes resources for the Fund and manages the Fund.
EntityAddress1: Global Environment Facility Secretariat, 1818 H Street NW, MSN P4-400, Washington, D.C., 20433||
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EntityContactPerson1: John Clyde||
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EntityPhone1: +1 202 473 0508||
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TypeOfOrganization: Multilateral organisation
UsedCurrency: USD
SupportAvailableFor: Preparation of NAMAs; Implementation of NAMAs
RegionalScopeIS: Africa; Asia Pacific; Eastern Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; LDCs; SIDS; Middle East and North Africa; Please check the list of member countries:
CommentsRegions: The GEF Agencies are responsible for creating project proposals and for managing GEF projects. The GEF Agencies play a key role in managing GEF projects on the ground; more specifically, GEF Agencies assist eligible governments and NGOs in the development, implementation, and management of GEF projects. Through them, the GEF project portfolio has quickly grown and diversified serving the developing world, Eastern Europe, and the Russian Federation. Moreover, GEF teamwork by these partners reinforces their individual efforts to mainstream or incorporate global environment concerns into all of their policies, programs and projects. GEF Agencies are requested to focus their involvement in GEF project activities within their respective comparative advantages. In specific cases of integrated projects that include components where the expertise and experience of a GEF agency is lacking or weak, the agency is invited to partner with another agency and to establish clear complementary roles so that all aspects of the project can be well managed (GEF Instrument, Paragraph 28). The list below describes 10 GEF agencies that currently operating and their comparative advantage specifically related to adaptation to climate change: •Asian Development Bank (ADB)'s comparative advantage for the GEF includes investment projects at the country and multi-country level in Asia as well as the ability to incorporate capacity building and technical assistance into its projects. The ADB has strong experience in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, adaptation to climate change and natural resources management including water and sustainable land management. •African Development Bank (AFDB)'s comparative advantage for the GEF lies in its capacity as a regional development bank. The AFDB is, however, in the initial stages of tackling global environmental issues. Its environmental policy has only recently been approved and is in the process of being integrated into operations. The AFDB will focus on establishing a track record for environmental projects related to the GEF focal areas of Climate Change (adaptation, renewable energy and energy efficiency), Land Degradation (deforestation, desertification) and International Waters (water management and fisheries). •European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)'s comparative advantage for the GEF lies in its experience and track record in market creation and transformation; and ensuring sustainability through private sector (including small and medium-sized enterprises) and municipal environmental infrastructure projects at the country and regional level in the countries of eastern and central Europe and central Asia, particularly in the fields of energy efficiency, mainstreaming of biodiversity and water management. •Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)'s comparative advantage for the GEF is its technical capacity and experience in fisheries, forestry, agriculture, and natural resources management. The FAO has strong experience in sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity, bioenergy, biosafety, sustainable development in production landscapes, and integrated pest and pesticides management. •Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)'s comparative advantage for the GEF includes investment projects at the country and regional level in Latin America and the Caribbean. IDB finances operations related to the following GEF focal areas: Biodiversity (protected areas, marine resources, forestry biotechnology), Climate Change (including biofuels), International Waters (watershed management), Land Degradation (erosion control), and POPs (pest management). •International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)’s comparative advantage for the GEF lies in its work related to land degradation, rural sustainable development, integrated land management, and its role in the implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. IFAD has been working intensively in marginal lands, degraded ecosystems and in post-conflict situations. •United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s comparative advantage for the GEF lies in its global network of country offices, its experience in integrated policy development, human resources development, institutional strengthening, and non-governmental and community participation. UNDP assists countries in promoting, designing and implementing activities consistent with both the GEF mandate and national sustainable development plans. UNDP also has extensive inter-country programming experience. •United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’s comparative advantage for the GEF is related to its being the only United Nations organization with a mandate derived from the General Assembly to coordinate the work of the United Nations in the area of environment for which the core business is the field of environment. UNEP’s comparative strength is in providing the GEF with a range of relevant experiences, proof of concept, testing of ideas, and the best available science and knowledge upon which it can base its investments. It also serves as the Secretariat to three of the MEAs, for which GEF is the/a financial mechanism. UNEP’s comparative advantage also includes its ability to serve as a broker in multi-stakeholder consultations. •United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)’s comparative advantage for the GEF is that it can involve the industrial sector in GEF projects in the following areas: industrial energy efficiency, renewable energy services, water management, chemicals management (including POP and ODS), and biotechnology. UNIDO also has extensive knowledge of small and medium enterprises (SME’s) in developing and transition economy countries. • The World Bank’s comparative advantage for the GEF is as a leading international financial institution at the global scale in a number of sectors, similar to the comparative advantage of the regional development banks. The World Bank has strong experience in investment lending focusing on institution building, infrastructure development and policy reform across all the focal areas of the GEF.
UNParty: All
TypeOfRequiredFinancialSupportIS: Grant
CommentsOnFinancialSupport: The GEF continues to support for the preparation and/or implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) through its regular financing of climate change mitigation projects endorsed by the developing country parties. Countries can access resources through their Systerm for a Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) allocations under GEF-5 (2010–2014) replenishment period for NAMAs support. For more information on STAR: These country profiles provide information about individual country information under the following headings: - GEF Constituencies - GEF Council and Alternate Members - GEF Operational and Political Focal Points - GEF Accredited NGOS - STAR GEF-5 (2010-2014) Resource Allocations and Utilizations - RAF GEF-4 Allocations and Utilization - Approved Projects and Projects Under Preparation To view information for the above mentioned topics, select a country from the drop-down list following this link:
CommentsOnTechnicalSupport: The GEF has been supporting countries in development and preparation of NAMAs in priority sectors. The GEF through its regular financing has been supporting a wide range of project concepts on NAMAs. Elements financed include national or regional policy development, related institutional strengthening, strategy formulation, appropriate investments, and capacity building. The GEF supported NAMAs are expected to contribute towards achieving economy-wide emission goals through preparation of policy and regulatory frameworks, sectoral approaches, market transformation and by strengthening institutional capacity. For more information on approved NAMA (as of June 2013)Projects and Funding details: Azerbaijan: Kazakhstan: Peru: Tunisia:
AmountOfCapacityBuildingSupportChoice: selected currency
TypeOfRequiredCapacityBuildingSupportIS: Individual level; Institutional level; Systemic level
CommentsOnCapacityBuildingSupport: The GEF is also supporting countries in design and development of appropriate and robust monitoring tools that complies with the MRV needs for supported NAMAs through coordinated financing for enabling activities such as national communications and biennial update reports that track the progress on national commitments and mitigation actions, emissions and emission reductions.
SectorIS: Energy supply; Residential and Commercial buildings; Agriculture; Waste management; Transport and its Infrastructure; Industry; Forestry
TypeOfActionIS: National/ Sectoral goal; Strategy; National/Sectoral policy or program; Project: Investment in machinery; Project: Investment in infrastructure
SupportProvisioningDescription: Who can apply The GEF funds a broad array of project types that vary depending on the scale of GEF resources, the project needs and the issue addressed. In order to be approved, each project follows a specific project cycle. Each GEF country member has designated an officer responsible for GEF activities, known as GEF Operational Focal Point , who plays a key role in assuring that GEF projects are aligned to meet the needs and priorities of the respective country. To be taken into consideration a project proposal has to fulfill the following criteria: •It is undertaken in an eligible country. It is consistent with national priorities and programs. •It addresses one or more of the GEF Focal Areas, improving the global environment or advance the prospect of reducing risks to it. •It is consistent with the GEF operational strategy. •It seeks GEF financing only for the agreed-on incremental costs on measures to achieve global environmental benefits •It involves the public in project design and implementation. •It is endorsed by the government(s) of the country/ies in which it will be implemented. How to Apply Before drafting a project proposal, the applicant should contact the country GEF Operational Focal Point and verify that the proposal complies with the criteria mentioned above. If there are doubts about the eligibility of the project, it is advisable to have an informal consultation with the GEF Secretariat (Country Relation Officers in the External Affairs team). GEF Agencies assist eligible applicants in the development, implementation, and management of GEF projects. They are the channel between countries and the GEF for the project approval process and participate in GEF governance as well as in the development of GEF policies and programs. The choice on the Agency should be based on its respective comparative advantages as stated in the document Comparative Advantages of the GEF Agencies Corrigendum. Once these preparatory steps are taken, the proponent should develop the Project Identification Form (PIF), in close coordination with the GEF Agency and following the internal project cycle procedures. Once the PIF is ready, the Agency will submit it to the GEF Secretariat for approval. For more details, please check the link provided in section F.2. Please note: The Parties submitting projects for GEF funding are also encouraged to register the same on the NAMA Registry.
SupportInformationProvided: The GEF funded NAMA details (as of June 2013): Azerbaijan: Kazakhstan: Peru: Tunisia:
Item Status: Awaiting confirmation of support provided
Publishing date: 8/28/2013
NAMAId: S-63
Approval Status: Approved

Created at 10/14/2013 3:07 PM by Milan Klima
Last modified at 8/28/2015 3:37 PM by System Account
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