NAMA: Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy

Title: Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy
DescriptionOfMitigationAction: Implementation of the Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy The rapid increase in knowledge-based environmentally sustainable economic activity and the increasing pace of improvements in low carbon science and technology are fundamentally reshaping the country’s priorities. Under the framework of Dominica’s Low-Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy, the Government of Dominica is integrating green principles into national economic management and planning, and marring environmental preservation and management into the country strategy for achieving higher levels of sustained economic growth. With people being the country’s most valuable resource, Dominica’s Low-Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy is based on the principal objectives of: accessing appropriate low carbon and climate resilient technologies to support Dominica’s continued transformation to the Greenest Economy in the Caribbean region;  building national capacity to support Dominica’s continued transformation to a Green Economy;  attracting a broader range of direct foreign investments in new green business opportunities;  providing training to upgrade the skills of Dominica’s workforce to fully exploit business opportunities (local and regional) in the Green Economy, thereby maximizing high-skill employment opportunities required to support the continued transformation to a Green Economy. Considerable export opportunities will be afforded the skilled labour force working in Dominica’s Green Economy as neighbouring Caribbean countries begin to explore their own low-carbon climate resilient development options.
EntityName: Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries
EntityAddress1: Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries||
EntityContactPerson1: Samuel Carrette, Permanent Secretary||
EntityContactPerson1Alternate: Lloyd Pascal, Director/ UNFCCC/ GEF Focal Point||
EntityPhone1: 767 266 3282||
EntityPhone1Alternate: 767 266 5256||
YearsForCompletion: 8
UsedCurrency: USD
AmountOfFinancialSupport: 500000000
CommentsOnFinancialSupport: Ongoing discussion with the AFD for development funding for enhancing the value of the resource and the potential equity of the Government of Dominica in any potential geothermal energy development project. This will also advance the progress of the development while providing a more marketable resource for com-mercial develoment. The Government of Dominica has engaged the World Bank to conduct a GAP analysis in respect to the development of the geothermal energy project, with support from the SIDS DOCK technical as-sistance programme. The focus is on technology, regu-lation, transmission and distribution capacity, resource evaluation and technical and human capacity. Further but limited support in the areas of technical support for harnessing of geothermal energy, environmental studies and environmental management plans, public education and awareness programmes are being pur-sued with the European Union's Interreg 4B and 10th EDF programmes. Project development is expected to be a mix of FDI and local (government) equity and concessonary loans from the international donor and financial institutions and from friendly governments' development agencies.
CommentsOnTechnicalSupport: The Geothermal Energy development project in Dominica will require much technical/technological support to assist in the early planning and design of the project from plant and equipment to technology, environmental management, plant man-agement and operations, generation and transmission. Estimated financial requirement is US$25,000,000.
AmountOfCapacityBuildingSupportChoice: selected currency
CommentsOnCapacityBuildingSupport: There is need for capacity building at all levels of geothermal resource development and in electricity generation, transmission, distribution and sup-ply, and well as in the areas of policy, regulation, Geoscience specific to geothermal energy explora-tion and assessment, and in plant design, operations, and maintenance. Some limited assistance and training opportunities are available through the Government of Iceland. Funding requirement is es-timated at US$500,000.
FinancialSupportRequired: Yes
TechnologicalSupportRequired: Yes
CapacityBuildingSupportRequired: Yes
UNParty: Dominica
AttachmentDescription: dominica_low_carbon_climate_resilient_strategy__(finale)[1].pdf;dominica_low_carbon_climate_resilient_strategy|dominica_mitigation_assessment_final_report[1][1].pdf;dominica_mitigation_assessment_final_report|geothermal-resources-development-bill-current-jan-30-2013[1].pdf;geothermal-resources-development-bill-current-jan-30-2013
Item Status: Published
NAMADeveloper: ext\guiste
NAMAApprover: ext\guiste
SecretariatNAMAAssignVerifier: unfccc\nama-av
SecretariatNAMAVerifier: unfccc\jwilliams
Publishing date: 6/19/2013
StartYearOfImplementation: 2012
EstimatedFullCostOfImplementation: 1000000000
EstimatedIncrementalCostOfImplementation: 500000000
EmissionReductionsUnit: MtCO2e/yr
EmissionReductionsComments: From Dominica's Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment Report, it is assumed that if implement a geothermal development of 20 MW by 2020, the potential reduction of emissions is approximately 150,000 MtCO2e/yr. This amout may vary depending on the choice of technology among geotherma activity as well as the way the resource is developed. There are also projections and discussions to generate more than 100 MW by 2020 as stated within the GHG Mitigation Assessment Report; that will give a potential once developed of 700,000 MtCO2e/yr. Calculation is based using an EF of 0.9 and with a plant load factor of 90%. This valuss are within a 10% =/- margin of error assuming the facts expressed. It is expected that Dominica will be transformed into the renewable energy hub for the region, serving and servicing considerable regional reduction by EU Countries (Gaudeloupe and Martinique) with which a PPA have been established; low energy cost hub for region and serving as the magnet for IT, Data Storage, banking, agro-processing, high energy industries.
OtherIndicatorsComments: (Please see attached The Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy and Dominica GHG Mitigation Assessment Report)
TechnologyNSSI: Bioenergy; Energy Efficiency; Hydropower; Wind energy; Carbon Capture and Storage; Cleaner Fuels; Geothermal energy; Solar energy
TypeOfActionNSSI: National/ Sectoral goal; Strategy; National/Sectoral policy or program; Project: Investment in machinery; Project: Investment in infrastructure; Technical Assistance
SectorNSSI: Energy supply; Residential and Commercial buildings; Agriculture; Waste management; Transport and its Infrastructure; Industry; Forestry
TypeOfRequiredCapacityBuildingSupportNSSI: Individual level; Institutional level; Systemic level
TypeOfRequiredFinancialSupportNSSI: Grant; Concessional loan; Guarantee; Equity; Carbon finance
OtherRelevantInformation: (Please see attached Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy and Strategic Program on Climate Resilience and Dominica GHG Mitigation Assessment Report)
RelevantNationalPolicies: (please see attached: Geothermal Resources Development Bill, Policy for Planning on Adapatation to Climate Change)
Approval Status: Approved
Attachments: dominica_low_carbon_climate_resilient_strategy__(finale)[1].pdf; dominica_mitigation_assessment_final_report[1][1].pdf; geothermal-resources-development-bill-current-jan-30-2013[1].pdf

Created at 10/14/2013 3:07 PM by Milan Klima
Last modified at 8/28/2015 3:35 PM by System Account
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