NAMA: Thermal Power Project with Capacity and Efficiency Increase II - TTP Nikola Tesla – Unit A3

Title: Thermal Power Project with Capacity and Efficiency Increase II - TTP Nikola Tesla – Unit A3
DescriptionOfMitigationAction: Restoration and modernization of a lignite thermal power plant with capacity increase of 30 MW. Adopted technologies are rehabilitation and modernization of the steam turbine, condensing plant and cooling system unit, boiler and auxiliary equipment (e.g., low/high pressure feed water heaters), as well as revitalization and improvement of the firing system and the combustion process by introducing "Low NOx" burners and increasing the efficiency of the old thermal units.
EntityName: Public Enterprise Electric Power Industry of Serbia
EntityAddress1: Balkanska 13, Belgrade||
EntityAddress2: Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade||
EntityContactPerson1: Aleksandar Obradovic, General Manager, A.I.||
EntityContactPerson2: Dragan Vukotic||
EntityContactPerson1Alternate: Mihajlo Gavric||
EntityPhone1: +381 11 2024 600||
EntityPhone2: +381 11 3952 349||
EntityPhone1Alternate: +381 11 3952 316||
YearsForCompletion: 2
UsedCurrency: EUR
AmountOfFinancialSupport: 47000000
CommentsOnFinancialSupport: EPS is open for various solutions regarding the finance of the project as stated in F.1.2.
AmountOfCapacityBuildingSupportChoice: selected currency
FinancialSupportRequired: Yes
TechnologicalSupportRequired: Yes
CapacityBuildingSupportRequired: Yes
UNParty: Serbia
Item Status: Published
NAMADeveloper: ext\zdravkovic
NAMAApprover: ext\zdravkovic
SecretariatNAMAAssignVerifier: unfccc\nama-av
SecretariatNAMAVerifier: unfccc\joshi
Publishing date: 6/17/2013
StartYearOfImplementation: 2013
EstimatedFullCostOfImplementation: 47000000
EmissionReductionsAmount: 1.40
EmissionReductionsUnit: MtCO2e
EmissionReductionsComments: Estimation is calculated based on 15 years of technical life time of instalation after the reconstruction.
OtherIndicatorsComments: Idea Design and Feasibility Study is under development
TechnologyNSSI: Energy Efficiency
TypeOfActionNSSI: National/ Sectoral goal; Strategy; National/Sectoral policy or program; Project: Investment in infrastructure
SectorNSSI: Energy supply
TypeOfRequiredFinancialSupportNSSI: Grant; Concessional loan; Carbon finance
OtherRelevantInformation: Implementation of the NAMA is meeting majority of the Sustainable Development Indicators in accordance with tree criterion indicated in appendix of the Serbian DNA Rules of procedure. According to the economic criterion, it satisfies following fields: 1. Economic development of the region - Reconstruction of the TPP Nikola Tesla A3 will improve ehisting infrastructure; it also contributes to the power system stability and supply security, which consequently have effect on the stability of the prices for electric energy. 2. Employment - Reconstruction of the TPP Nikola Tesla A3 will provide work for many domestic companies. 3. Priorities of the sector - Power generation at the TPP Nikola Tesla A3 will contribute to the power system stability and supply security, which represent one of the priorities in the energy sector. 4. Consumption and generation - Power generation at the reconstructed power plant will reduce need for electricity import, and its modern concept will reduce waste production per unit of generated energy as well as waste management in ecology acceptable manner. According to the social criterion, it satisfies following fields: 1. Life conditions improvement - Project implementation of such scope, lead up to the employment increase, as well as income increase, on the local and regional level. 2. Capacity increase - According to the work needs and modern equipment maintenance, strategic partner will provide training for the employees, as well as expertise and tools for local companies engaged on this implementation of the project during its operational life. According to the environment and natural resources criterions, it satisfies following fields: 1. Energy resources – Generation of TPP Nikola Tesla A3 will, due to the higher energy efficiency of the plant, reduce coal consumption for power generation, and significantly reduce need for electricity import. 2. Air - Due to the application of the modern technology and higher energy efficiency of the plant, project will result in reduced emission levels of CO2, SOx and NOx, comparing to the existing thermo power plants in Serbia. 3. Water - Contribution to the sustainable water use would be the application of measures for water treatment of all water quantities used in the technological process of electricity generation. TENT_A3 4 / 4 6. Natural recourses - Modern concept of the unit TPP Nikola Tesla A3 will significantly contribute to the sustainable use of mineral recourses, because energy efficiency of primary energy transformation (≈ 34%) will be significantly higher than existing thermal power plants in Serbia. Exploitation life of domestic lignite deposits is extended that way.
RelevantNationalPolicies: ;
Approval Status: Approved

Created at 10/14/2013 3:07 PM by Milan Klima
Last modified at 7/11/2017 4:37 PM by System Account
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