NAMA: Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Tea and Coffee Sector in Rwanda

Title: Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Tea and Coffee Sector in Rwanda
DescriptionOfMitigationAction: <p>This Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) targets mitigation through the promotion of energy efficiency activities in the Tea and Coffee sector in Rwanda based on specific incentives and demonstration projects. Both industries are private sector based, and the promotion of energy efficiency will focus on energy intensive activities in the tea and coffee industry pertaining to thermal energy and electrical energy requirements, namely roasting, drying, processing and packaging.&nbsp; Envisioned actions under the NAMA would be to: demonstration of selected energy efficient technologies in existing production; to establish an energy efficiency standards for all new factories; promote international eco-labelling; promote energy management, auditing and reporting; and national best practice sharing. </p> <p>Emission reductions: <br /> The NAMA is expected to achieve a net emission reduction of up to 143,000 tCO2e for the period 2016-2030 through a series of technical and non-technical interventions.</p> <p>Sustainable Development benefits: <br /> The mitigation actions support Rwanda&rsquo;s national development and poverty reduction policies and strategic visions and goals.&nbsp; It is envisioned that significant sustainable co-benefits of the NAMA include:<br /> -&nbsp;Reduced consumption of carbon intensive fuels (fossil fuel based electricity and heavy fuel oil) and lower consumption of wood based fuels. <br /> -&nbsp;Improved the quantity and quality of tea and coffee due to improved roasting/drying techniques.<br /> -&nbsp;Reduce the cost of production and a more sustainable value chain.<br /> -&nbsp;Best practices sharing to other industries and new businesses that are being established (replication potential).<br /> -&nbsp;Increased exports, and upstream economic benefits.<br /> -&nbsp;Improvements in the tea and coffee sectors will increase employment opportunities and income generation.<br /> -&nbsp;Cross sectoral opportunities with the agricultural sector will encourage the development of a vibrant agro-processing industry and improved cultivation of tea and coffee.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p>Private Sector involvement: <br /> The tea and coffee sector is currently private sector driven, and consists of &lsquo;estates&rsquo; or industrial blocs (plantations integrated to a processing unit), tea/coffee grower cooperatives (for labourers), tea/coffee growers association (for owners), and small holders.&nbsp; The NAMA will integrate the interests of all stakeholders in raising awareness and knowledge management for energy efficiency activities.&nbsp; Thus, encouraging private sector investments in the energy efficiency activities, and more efficient growing and processing practices.</p>
EntityName: Rwanda – Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA)
EntityName1: National Industrial Research and Development Agency (NIRDA)
EntityAddress1: KG 7 Ave., P.O. BOX 24, Kigali, Rwanda||
EntityAddress2: KG 1 Roundabout, Kigali, Rwanda||
EntityAddress3: ||
EntityContactPerson1: Mrs. UWERA Mireille|Mr. Jean Claude MUTABAZI|
EntityContactPerson2: Mr. MUNYENTWARI Alexis||
EntityContactPerson3: ||
EntityPhone1: +250788509527||
EntityPhone2: +250788512010||
EntityPhone3: ||
EntityEmail3: ||
YearsForCompletion: 15
UsedCurrency: USD
AmountOfFinancialSupport: 195000
CommentsOnFinancialSupport: Preparation of NAMA Design and Document:<br /> This consists of the activities and cost of full NAMA design and it&rsquo;s documentation, including the institutional framework, implementation planning, financial structuring, support required, and MRV system design and management. (USD 110,000)<br /> Feasibility Study:<br /> The full feasibility study will focus on the best in class technologies available internationally for implementation in the tea and coffee sector and possible interventions in each of the tea and coffee processing units, to include a sectoral wide technology use survey. (USD 85,000)<br />
AmountOfCapacityBuildingSupportText: 90000
AmountOfCapacityBuildingSupportChoice: selected currency
CommentsOnCapacityBuildingSupport: Workshop for institutional capacity building for climate finance and financial structuring in priority sectors of NAMAs seeking support for implementation. Focus is on meeting general international requirements, and specific requirements of selected support facilities. (USD 45,000)<br /> Workshop for institutional capacity building for MRV systems and their structuring in priority sectors of NAMAs seeking support for implementation. Focus is on the institutional framework for MRV and the tracking of mitigation actions, finance and sustainable benefits in a performance based methodology. (USD 45,000)<br />
FinancialSupportRequired: Yes
TechnologicalSupportRequired: Yes
CapacityBuildingSupportRequired: Yes
UNParty: Rwanda
CoveredGreenhouseGases: CO2
Item Status: Published
NAMADeveloper: ext\munyazikwiye
NAMAApprover: ext\munyazikwiye
SecretariatNAMAAssignVerifier: unfccc\nama-av
SecretariatNAMAVerifier: unfccc\joshi
Publishing date: 10/1/2015
NAMAId: NS-210
SectorNSSP: Industry
TechnologyNSSP: Energy Efficiency
TypeOfActionNSSP: National/Sectoral policy or program; Project: Investment in machinery
EstimatedFullCostOfPreparation: 285000
TypeOfRequiredFinancialSupportNSSP: Grant
TypeOfRequiredCapacityBuildingSupportNSSP: Institutional level
RelevantNationalPolicies: The planned NAMA is in line with all relevant national and sectoral policies, which are as follows:<br /> A)&nbsp; Key policy linkage to the national Green Growth and Climate Resilience strategy&nbsp; with a focus on low carbon development to 2020 and a vision for 2050.&nbsp; The key linking programmes are:<br /> -&nbsp; Programme 7: Green Industry and Private Sector Development; Action 1: Resource Efficient Industries (key indicators = GHG emissions, water usage); Action 3: Promoting Green Technologies (key indicator = No. of new green technologies employed).<br /> B)&nbsp; Rwanda National Export Strategy: <br /> The NAMA will support the need for improved investments in factories, both in terms of expanding factory capacity, support product diversification and particularly contribute towards &lsquo;Improving operational efficiency&nbsp; of&nbsp; washing&nbsp; stations&rsquo; and &lsquo;Increase production levels&rsquo;.<br /> C)&nbsp; NAEB&rsquo;s Strategic Plan (2013-2018): <br /> The NAMA will directly support the strategic objectives of &lsquo;enhancing value and assuring quality of export commodities&rsquo; and&nbsp; increasing their demand and price on national, regional and international markets, improve business operating environment and enhance inter-institutional coordination.<br />
CommentsOnFullCost: The full cost of preparation covers the cost of preparation for the NAMA Design and Document, and a comprehensive Feasibility Study for energy efficiency and savings.&nbsp; As well as institutional level Capacity Development Support for NAMA finance and MRV.<br /> Note that the Climate Change Focal Point (Rwanda Environmental Management Authority) and the National Implementing Entities will provide in-kind programme management, institutional coordination, and procurement services during the preparation phase of the NAMA. This in-kind contribution is not included in the estimated full cost of preparation.<br />
Approval Status: Approved

Created at 10/1/2015 5:28 PM by System Account
Last modified at 10/1/2015 5:28 PM by System Account
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