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Sustainable Housing Programme

High Integration Program of Wind Energy

Implementation of a National Forestry and Climate Change Strategy, including the development and implementation of a Platform for the Generation and Trading of Forest Carbon Credits.

LNG Terminal with regasification capacity of 10.000.000m3/d of natural gas with possible expansion to 15.000.000m3/d

Promotion of renewable energy participation in the Uruguayan primary energy mix

Expanding self-supply renewable energy systems (SSRES) in Chile

National Program for Catalyzing Industrial and Commercial Organic Waste Management in Chile

First introduction of Photovoltaic Solar Energy in the national electrical grid

Clean Production Agreement (CPA) in Chile

NAMA in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

NAMA in the Forestry sector

Rehabitation Of Al-Akaider L andfill

Fuels and Emissions Savings

Fuels and Emissions Savings

Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Jordanian Water Sector (IEE)

Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Jordanian Water Sector (IEE)

National appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) for industrial sector

National appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) for national domestic waste management

Samra Thermal Power Station - Phase-III Add-On Combined Cycle

Expansion of existing heating network in Valjevo

Introduction of metering system and billing on the basis of measured consumption in district heating systems in Serbia

Use of Solar energy for domestic hot water production in Heat plant “Cerak” in Belgrade

Thermal Power Project with Capacity and Efficiency Increase II - TTP Nikola Tesla – Unit A3

Introduction 1000 MW of small biomass boilers in Serbia

Rehabilitation of arterial roads in Serbia

Revitalization of the Existing Small Hydropower Plants and Construction of New Small Hydropower Plants (SHPPs)

Thermal Power Project with Capacity and Efficiency Increase I - TTP Nikola Tesla – Unit B2

Construction of a Super-critical Lignite Power Plant TTP Kostolac B

Energy Efficiency Improvements in Public Buildings: 23 schools and 26 hospitals – Serbian Energy Efficiency Project (SEEP)

The Zarqa River Basin Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant and Energy Plant(ZIWWTEP)

Improvement of old residential buildings envelope (exterior doors, windows and thermal insulation) in Serbia

Low Carbon Climate Resilient Development Strategy

Supporting Implementation of 100% Renewable Electricity by 2020

Construction of New Energy Efficient Buildings Based on Energy Efficiency Regulation in Serbia

Replacement and Construction of a New Natural Gas Cogeneration Plant CHP Novi Sad

Tourism and Waste in the Dominican Republic

Climate-related ODA funding

International Climate Initiative (IKI)

NAMA Facility (Archived entry, Please refer to updated entry S-321)

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund

Sustainable Urban Transport Initiative

Emission Reduction Actions Program (NAMA) in Natural Gas Processing, Transport and Distribution System, through fugitive emission reduction

EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund

Cogeneration in the mexican Oil and Gas sector

Neighbourhood Investment Facility

Latin American Investment Facility

NAMA for accelerated geothermal electricity development in Kenya

Austrian NAMA Initiative

Adaptive Sustainable Forest Management in Borjomi-Bakuriani Forest District

Energy Efficient Lighting in Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Outdoor Sectors of Pakistan

Smart Street Lighting Initiative

Support for Activities related to sustainable Management of Forests

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for low-carbon end-use sectors in Azerbaijan

NAMA for New Residential Buildings

NAMA for Sustainable Housing Retrofit

Urban NAMA

Energy Efficiency in Public Sector

Development of a feed-in tariff NAMA for renewable energy

ODA for Climate Change Measures

Santiago Transport Green Zone (STGZ)

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low-carbon Urban Development in Kazakhstan

Colombia TOD NAMA

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)- Support for the design, development and implementation of NAMAs in the LAC region

Spanish NAMA Platform

Energy Efficient Public Buildings and Housing in Armenia

Supporting Mechanisms for Promoting Distributed Generation (Net Metering, Wheeling, Banking etc.) in Pakistan to put 3 GW Alternative and Renewable Energy (ARE) Projects in next 7 years.

Strategizing for Grid Strengthening / Improvement for evacuation of power from Solar Power Projects

Accelerating the Market Transformation to Energy Efficient Lighting

Development and Installation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Technologies in Pakistan

Harnessing Municipal Waste of big Cities of Pakistan to Generate Electricity

Strategizing for Grid Strengthening / Improvement for evacuation of power from Wind Power Projects

FAOSTAT Emissions Database

NEFCO Carbon Finance and Funds

Bio-energy generation and greenhouse-gases mitigation though organic-waste utilization

Integrated improvement of Road-based Freight sector in Colombia

Reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions in Pig Farms in the Dominican Republic

Reduction, Recycling and Reuse of Solid Waste in Kampala City

The Promotion of the Use of Efficient Institutional Stoves in Institutions

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for Kampala

Developing appropriate strategies and techniques to reduce methane emissions from livestock production in Uganda

Integrated Wastewater Treatment for Agro-process Water in Uganda

Periodic Vehicle Inspection for Emissions and Roadworthiness

NAMA - Low Carbon Coffee - Costa Rica

Costa Rica Livestock NAMA

Efficient Cookstoves

Solar Water Heaters

Cogeneration in Mexico

Car Fleet Renewal in Mexico

Disposal and Use of Wastes and Solid and Biomass Residues

Fuel Switch in the industry

Fuel Switch for the Power Generation

Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector

Low Emission Schools

Ethiopia Railway's ­ Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (LRT) Transit Oriented Development (TOD) NAMA

Ethiopia Railways ­‐ Establishment of Climate Vulnerability Infrastructure Investment Framework NAMA

Ethiopia's National Railway Network and Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (LRT) NAMA

Ethiopian Railways –Railway Academy NAMA

Expansion of electricity generation from sustainable forestry biomass byproducts.

Federal Road Freight Transport NAMA for owner operators and smaller fleet carriers


Blue Carbon NAMA: Conserve and Restore Mangroves in the Dominican Republic

Windfarm in Quttaineh

Windfarm in Ghabagheb

Solar electric power plant

Combined cycle power plant in the coastal area

Expansion of combined cycle power plant in Nasiriyah

FAO Learning tool on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector

Rural Development in Namibia through Electrification with Renewable Energies

Rural Development in Namibia through Electrification with Renewable Energies

Thailand Refrigeration and Air Conditioning NAMA (RAC NAMA)

Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy in The Gambia

Sustainable production with low-emission technologies in agriculture and agroindustry production chains.

NAMA Support for the Tunisian Solar Plan

Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Technical Assistance

UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme (LECB Programme)

Sustainable Fertilizers Production and Use

Developing a Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain in Rwanda

Electrification with solar PV mini-grids in rural villages in Rwanda

Promoting the use of Renewable Energy Solution for Households and Buildings

Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Tea and Coffee Sector in Rwanda

Bus Rapid Transit in Kigali (with linkage to non-motorized transport)

Waste-to-Energy (WtE) and improved waste management practices in Kigali

Fuel Efficiency in Motor Vehicles

Support to Integrated E-Waste Management System for State of Sabah, Malaysia

Detailed Study of Sustainable NAMA Financing Mechanism for Reactivating Renewable Energy-based CDM Project Activities in Malaysia

Promoting cultivation of high-yielding upland rice in Uganda

National Fuel Efficiency Initiative


Sustainable and energy efficient building of Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Banja Luka

Productive and Technological Reconversion of Colombia's Panela Sector

Energy with Renewable Sources in non-interconnected areas

Public Lighting Energy Efficiency

Colombian NAMA for the domestic refrigeration sector

Sustainable Bovine Livestock

Implementation of Feed-in Tariff Mechanism in Malaysia

Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy in The Gambia

NAMA for Rural Development in Lao PDR

Efficient use of biomass for equitable, climate proof and sustainable rural development

Rural Electrification in Vanuatu

Rural Electrification in Vanuatu

TRANSPerú - Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA

Energy Efficient Refurbishment in the Georgian Public Building Sector

Solar Energy Development in Uzbekistan

NAMA for Rural Development in Lao PDR

Support to Sierra Leone Preparation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action

Provision of Sustainable Energy in Zimbabwe through use of Biogas

National Solar Water Heating Programme

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in the Construction Sector in Mongolia

Lighting system optimization by replacing incandescent and other lights with energy efficient LED lights

Efficient Biomass Stove Development, Dissemination and Commercialisation

People-centred Urban Mobility in Thailand (Thailand Mobility NAMA)

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