MainDBDraft: Adaptation Workbook: A climate change tool for land management and conservation

Title: Adaptation Workbook: A climate change tool for land management and conservation
Geographic region: North America
Target group: Practitioners; Private sector
Expected outcome:
Indicators of achievement:
Date of submission: 02/07/2020
Further information: Additional sector of focus: Forests and grasslands; Rural systems and communities; cities and urban systems. Approach: Ecosystem-based adaptation; sectoral adaptation planning; community-based adaptation Stage in adaptation policy cycle: All stages Additional cross-cutting element in the adaptation policy cycle: Indigenous and traditional knowledge Timescale: Short-, mid- and long-term adaptation needs Additional specific target audience:
NWPPartner: United States Department of Agriculture
Other action pledges:
NWPCountryItem: United States of America
Geographic scope: Regional
Adaptation element: Capacity building; Communication and outreach/awareness; Education and training; Science and research; Technology support
Adaptation sector/theme: Biodiversity; Ecosystems; Infrastructure; Water resources
Climate hazard: Drought; Extreme cold; Extreme heat; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Sea level rise; Shift of seasons; Wildfire
Implementing partners:
Abbreviation: USDA
Type of organization: National/public entity
NWPUserTitle: Mr.
NWPName: Ronald
NWPSurname: de la Cruz
Job title: Research Assistant
NWPStreet: Platz der vereinten Nationen 1
NWPZip: 53113 Bonn
Country: Germany
NWPTel: +492288151002
References NWP:
Year of publication:
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Technical document/report
Description: Adaptation Workbook and Adaptation Strategies and Approaches. The Adaptation Workbook enables natural resource professionals to consider the potential effects of climate change on forests and to then design actions that can help reduce risk and increase the ability to cope with changing conditions. It provides a flexible process that accommodates a wide variety of geographic locations, scales, ecosystems, land uses, management goals, and ownership types. The Adaptation Workbook and Strategies and Approaches are published through the US Forest Service and Peer reviewed journals. Direct access to the tool:
NWPInformationType: Tool
NWPStatus: Processed

Created at 02/07/2020 17:40 by Ronald de la Cruz
Last modified at 03/07/2020 08:32 by Serkant Samurkas
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