MainDBDraft: The impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research: Implications for policy-making

Title: The impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research: Implications for policy-making
Geographic region: Africa; Asia; Caribbean and Central America; Europe; North America; Pacific/Oceania; South America
Target group: Academics and scientists; Policy makers; Practitioners; Private sector
Expected outcome:
Indicators of achievement:
Date of submission: 12/07/2021
Further information:
NWPPartner: Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management"
Other action pledges:
Geographic scope: Global
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Knowledge management; Science and research
Adaptation sector/theme: Biodiversity; Community-based adaptation; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Ecosystems; Health; Indigenous and traditional knowledge
Climate hazard:
Implementing partners:
Type of organization: Research institution
NWPUserTitle: Mr.
NWPName: Walter
NWPSurname: Leal
Job title: Director, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre
NWPStreet: Ulmenliet 20
NWPZip: 21033 Hamburg
Country: Germany
NWPTel: +49 40 428 75-6313
References NWP:
Year of publication: 2021
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Scientific/peer reviewed publication
Description: Since January 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the media and exercises pressure on governments worldwide. Apart from its effects on economies, education systems and societies, the pandemic has also influenced climate change research. This paper examines the extent to which COVID-19 has influenced climate change research worldwide during the first wave at the beginning of 2020 and how it is perceived to exploit it in the future. This study utilised an international survey involving those dedicated to climate change science and management research from Academia, Government, NGOs, and international agencies in 83 countries. The analysis of responses encompasses four independent variables: Institutions, Regions, Scientific Areas, and the level of economic development represented by the Human Development Index (HDI). Results show that: (1) COVID-19 modified the way the surveyed researchers work, (2) there are indicators that COVID-19 has already influenced the direction of climate change and adaptation policy implementation, and (3) respondents perceived (explicitly concerning the COVID-19 lockdowns of March-April 2020), that the pandemic has drawn attention away from climate policy. COVID- 19 has influenced the agenda of climate change research for more than half of the respondents and is likely to continue in the future, suggesting that the impacts on their research will still be felt for many years. The paper concludes by outlining critical implications for policy-making.
NWPInformationType: Knowledge Resource
NWPStatus: Processed

Created at 12/07/2021 11:57 by
Last modified at 12/07/2021 12:16 by crmmocservices
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