MainDBDraft: Climate change adaptation for Coral Triangle communities : a guide for vulnerability assessment and Local Early Action Planning (LEAP guide)

Title: Climate change adaptation for Coral Triangle communities : a guide for vulnerability assessment and Local Early Action Planning (LEAP guide)
Geographic region: Africa; Asia; Caribbean and Central America; Europe; North America; Pacific/Oceania; Polar regions; South America
Target group: Communities; Practitioners
Expected outcome:
Indicators of achievement:
Date of submission: 08/02/2021
Further information: Specific geographic region(s): all (though originally focused on Coral Triangle region, could be adapted) Additional climate hazards: Heat, extreme events; Additional sector of focus: ocean; Approach: community-based adaptation planning; Stage in adaptation policy cycle: Plan for Adaptation; Timescale: short and long; Additional target group: Intended users include national and local governments, marine and coastal managers, disaster managers,and community development practitioners, who work with coastal communitie
NWPPartner: National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
Other action pledges:
NWPCountryItem: United States of America
Geographic scope: Local
Adaptation element:
Adaptation sector/theme: Coastal areas/zones
Climate hazard: Desertification; Drought; Erratic rainfall; Extreme cold; Extreme heat; Floods; Glacial retreat; Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Ocean acidification; Salinization; Sea level rise; Shift of seasons; Storm surges; Tropical cyclones/typhoons; Vector and water-borne diseases; Wildfire
Implementing partners:
Abbreviation: NOAA
Type of organization: National/public entity
NWPUserTitle: Mr.
NWPName: Ronald
NWPSurname: de la Cruz
Job title: Research Assistant
NWPStreet: Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
NWPZip: 53113
Country: Germany
NWPTel: +492288151002
References NWP:
Year of publication:
NWPTypeOfKnowledge: Technical document/report
Description: "Coastal communities in the Coral Triangle are experiencing the impacts of climate change. Severe storms, coastal inundation, rising sea level and sea surface temperatures are threatening safety and food security of more than 120 million people that depend directly on local marine and coastal resources for their income and livelihoods. Climate change is emerging as a serious issue for our region's communities. The Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) was founded on the commitment of the six Coral Triangle countries (CT6): Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-leste and the Solomon Islands, to accelerate efforts to safeguard the coastal and marine resources and communities. As part of this commitment, the CT6 embodies Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) as one of the five key goals within the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action, pledging to implement actions to reduce the impacts of and adapt to climate change"--Introduction. DIrect access to this guide:
NWPInformationType: Tool
NWPStatus: Processed

Created at 08/02/2021 16:00 by
Last modified at 08/02/2021 16:06 by crmmocservices
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