MainDB: Towards Climate Resilient Education Systems. A Tool for Reflection, Dialogue and Progress Assessment for Ministries of Education and its Partners

Title: Towards Climate Resilient Education Systems. A Tool for Reflection, Dialogue and Progress Assessment for Ministries of Education and its Partners
NWPTypeOfOrganization: Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion: Africa; Asia; Caribbean and Central America; Europe; North America; Pacific/Oceania; Polar regions; South America
Scope of work:
Good practices and lessons learned: This tool is intended to be a self-assessment tool for Ministries of Education to assess their performance integrating climate risks into their plans, policies and budgets. It provides a clear path on how to increase commitments and expectations around this commitments.
Date of submission: 05/05/2022
Abbreviation: UNICEF
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Education and training; Monitoring and evaluation/M&E; Science and research; Socio-economic data and information
Adaptation sector/theme: Ecosystems; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Adaptation finance; Disaster risk reduction; Gender
Climate hazard: Desertification; Drought; Erratic rainfall; Extreme cold; Extreme heat; Floods; Glacial retreat; Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity; Ocean acidification; Salinization; Sea level rise; Shift of seasons; Storm surges; Tropical cyclones/typhoons; Vector and water-borne diseases; Wildfire
Description: The role of education systems in the global climate change agenda has been overlooked. UNICEF has designed a tool to raise awareness and promote reflection, dialogue, and assessment of progress among national and sub-national level education authorities and their partners about structures and processes to make the education system more climate-resilient.
Small-scale and fragmented interventions, as well as ad hoc approaches, are not sufficient to effectively plan for and respond to the multifaceted climate change crisis. A system-wide approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation in the education sector needs to be developed and anchored within national and sub-national education systems under the leadership of the Ministry of Education in each country.
This tool was designed for periodic use by personnel from ministries of education and their partners to discuss and assess whether the education system is moving in the direction of increased climate change responsiveness and thus making progress towards climate change mitigation and adaptation goals.
Regionally, UNICEF features the South Asian region through the report- The Heat is On! Towards Climate Resilient Education Systems in South Asia. This regional report was commissioned by UNICEF South Asia, and it represents a shift in how the education sector has been analyzed with regards to climate change risks, moving away from a narrow focus on climate impacts on education infrastructure and on students' attendance, toward a systemic approach on the fundamental role that education systems can – and must – play in the climate change agenda.
The report further analyses responses to climate change in the education sector;  exploring seven key education systems components:
Policies, plans, and strategies
Curriculum, teaching, and learning 
Teacher capacity development
Communication, coordination, and partnership 
School and community student participation platforms 
Monitoring, evaluation, and accountability
Finally, the report offers key recommendations to make the education systems in South Asia, and globally, more resilient in the face of increasing climate change risks.
Expected outcome:
Further information:
NWPGeographicScope: Global; Local; National
Indicators of achievement:
NWPInformationType: Tool
NWPPartner: United Nations Children's Fund
Regional group:
Target group: Academics and scientists; Communities; Policy makers; Practitioners; Private sector
NWPWorkStream: NWP
Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
NWPReferences: Learn more about the tool here:
Implementing partners: Ministries of Education and Ministries of Environment and Climate Change at national, subnational and local level.
SourceItemID: 2345
NWPCountryItem: Global

Created at 06/05/2022 13:06 by crmmocservices
Last modified at 06/05/2022 13:25 by Lilian Daphine Lunyolo
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