MainDB: Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine, terrestrial and coastal regions as a means of improving livelihoods and conserving biodiversity in the face of climate change

Title: Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine, terrestrial and coastal regions as a means of improving livelihoods and conserving biodiversity in the face of climate change
NWPTypeOfOrganization: Non-governmental organization (NGO)
NWPGeographicRegion: Africa; Asia; South America
Scope of work:
Good practices and lessons learned: The process of assessing experiences from the pilot activities and analysing their cost-effectiveness compared with other adaptation measures is an especially important part of the project. These results are fed into national and international discussions. On one hand, these models can be used to plan and implement further ecosystem-based adaptation measures around the world. On the other hand, practical experiences of this kind help to develop and disseminate the concept of ecosystem-based adaptation.
Date of submission:
Activities: Project activities include the assessment of vulnerability (including climate modeling, identification of communities and sectors most affected, impact analysis on agriculture and fishing) and the development of ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) solutions in three very diverse settings.
Pilot schemes in each of the countries provide examples of how adaptation measures based on completely different ecosystems can be designed, implemented and evaluated with the local population. In this way the pilot activities in the three countries cover maritime and coastal zones, coral reefs, semi-deserts and tropical forests. In each country the habitats most vulnerable to climate change are identified in collaboration with the affected population.
Subsequently, two ecosystem-based adaptation measures for each country are selected, implemented and reviewed. The relevant national stakeholders receive trai ning and individual guidance and visit the projects. In this way they can expand their knowledge and capacity in the field of ecosystem-based adaptation.
Adaptation element: Adaptation planning and practices; Capacity building; Vulnerability assessment
Adaptation sector/theme: Agriculture; Water resources; Ecosystems; Coastal areas/zones; Ecosystem-based adaptation
Climate hazard:
Country: Brazil; Philippines; South Africa
NWPDataSource: EbA
Description: Increase the awareness, resilience and adaptive capacity of vulnerable target groups to climate change.
Expected outcome:
Further information: Submitted by, or prepared in conjunction with, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety.
Donatti, C. (2013). Ecosystem-based adaptation in marine, terrestrial and coastal regions. weADAPT:
Find the case study summary here:
Indicators of achievement:
NWPInformationType: Case study
NWPPartner: Conservation International; Germany
Regional group:
Target group:
NWPWorkStream: NWP
NWPOutcome: The vulnerability assessment produces profiles for the vulnerability to climate impacts and biome stability, socio-economic vulnerability and vulnerability to natural disasters. Pilot activities in the Philippines concentrate on mangrove restoration and sustainable fisheries management, in South Africa on integrating knowledge on ecosystem-based initiatives into policy measures and on wetland terrestrial restoration. The assessment in Brazil is in progress. Specific adaptation measures will be developed based on the research findings. So far project sites for pilot activities in South Africa have been selected on the basis of these profiles.
Type of knowledge resource:
Scale of work:
Implementing partners:

Created at 21/04/2016 10:38 by Roberto Felix
Last modified at 10/05/2022 21:44 by Nicholas Hamp-Adams
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