Pages: LAKI-South-America

Name: LAKI-South-America.aspx
Title: LAKI in the Andean subregion
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Contact: Roberto Felix
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NAP Description: Partnership with the International Center for Tropical Agiculture (CIAT)
NAP Summary:
Page Content: A) Priority Setting Workshop:

As part of the implementation of the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) for the Andean subregion, the International Center for
Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) collaborated with UN Environment and the UNFCCC
secretariat to organize a priority-setting workshop on 24-26
September 2014 in Bogota, Colombia.
The purpose of this
workshop was to identify a set of prioritized adaptation knowledge gaps
and a preliminary list of response actions and associated institutions
for addressing these gaps in the subregion. Please click here to access the full workshop report.   A multidisciplinary stakeholder group of core experts discussed and agreed to a pool of 13 priority adaptation
knowledge gaps for the Andean subregion through a
multi-criteria analysis approach. Participants also provided a
preliminary list of potential response actions, noting concrete deliverables and target beneficiaries, and provided advice as to the best-placed
organisations to undertake such responses.
B) Priority Adaptation Knowledge Gaps and Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Knowledge Gaps:




Thematic area


Gap Description




Knowledge user
Actions Undertaken to Close the Priority Gaps



research and climate observation


Gaps in
integrated research on the effects of climate change on ecosystem services,
and their relationship with the quality of life of populations


Lack of data,
lack of actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing
knowledge), lack of tools/methods [Mix]


Authorities and
ministries for water and irrigation, human consumption, enterprises for
drinking water and hydro-energy, ministries and agencies for planning,
authorities for the environment, carbon markets, authorities for the
environment, plant breeders 


Graduate students from a NWP partner, Yale University (School of Forestry and Environmental Studies) in partnership with NWP partners IUCN and The Mountain Institute (TMI) assessed the monitoring, evaluation and learning systems of an ecosystem-based adaptation project in the Peruvian highlands. They produced specific actionable recommendations for strengthening new and existing monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks. View the online story map here. Case study on the AKP is available here


use, planning and risk management


of mechanisms for including adaptation in current planning tools


of tools/methods [4]


government (different parts of the government and different ministries),
local governments, public institutions, academia, civil society (including
non-governmental organizations), Andean regional entities 




research and climate observation


Lack of data
and information on health and associated variables, and on the impact of
climate change on health in the Andean subregion


Lack of data


National and
subnational governments, universities, non-governmental organizations




on production sectors


of economic information and cost-benefit analyses needs for adaptation


of data, lack of tools/methods [Mix]


and subnational governments, universities, non-governmental organizations




Land use,
planning and risk management


Gaps in
methodologies for promoting processes that facilitate multi-sectoral


Lack of
actionable knowledge (e.g., in need of repackaging existing knowledge), lack
of tools/methods [Mix]


National and
local governments




on production sectors


in socio-economic information for evaluating the impact of climate change


of data, lack of access [Mix]


government (different parts of the government and different ministries),
local governments, public institutions, academia, civil society (including
non-governmental organizations)


Graduate students from a NWP partner, Yale University (School of Forestry and Environmental Studies) in partnership with NWP partners IUCN and The Mountain Institute (TMI) assessed the monitoring, evaluation and learning systems of an ecosystem-based adaptation project in the Peruvian highlands. They produced specific actionable recommendations for strengthening new and existing monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks. View the online story map here. Case study on the AKP is available here




Impacts on
production sectors


Scarcity of
sectoral analyses on the costs of climate change and on the investment needs
for adaptation


Lack of data


National and
local governments




use, planning and risk management


in information on tools for territorial planning and land use


of data, lack of tools/methods [Mix]


and local governments, academia: universities and relevant research centres,
private sector: trade and associations, civil society, including
non-governmental organizations, organizations for development cooperation




research and climate observation


Gaps in the
analyses of social variables, and of supply and demand for water, associated
with different climate change scenarios


Lack of data


National and
local governments




on production sectors


of information and of analyses relating to the impact of climate change on
agricultural and livestock production systems


of data [1]


governments, national government (different parts of the government and
different ministries), local governments, public institutions, academia,
civil society, including non-governmental organizations




research and climate observation



Gaps in
research and the exchange of knowledge on techniques, and in the optimization
of technologies for managing hydric resources and adapting to the effects of
climate change 



Lack of data




Authorities and
ministries for water and irrigation, human consumption, enterprises for
drinking water and hydro-energy, ministries and agencies for planning,
authorities for the environment, carbon markets, authorities for the
environment, plant breeders

Graduate students from Yale University (Yale School of the Environment), in partnership with NWP partners, IUCN and, The Mountain Institute, evaluated the exchange of knowledge for water management practices and techniques, including indigenous and ancestral practices, from rural mountain communities to the national government in Peru. Through exploring existing knowledge exchange the research aims to increase access to data to fill this gap. Find the case study here.



and participation


of mechanisms for the dissemination of knowledge on adaptation to local


of access, lack of tools/methods [Mix]




governments, academia, universities, private sector; farmer associations,
civil society, including non-governmental organizations




Public policies
and institutions


Lack of tools
to enhance systematization of existing experiences on adaptation


Lack of
tools/methods [4]




Created at 22/04/2016 17:31 by Roberto Felix
Last modified at 02/07/2024 14:21 by unfccc\trusau
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