JoinFormDraft: 3uVOuU

Title: 3uVOuU
Organization Abbreviation:
Organization Site:,living%2C%20through%20working%20with%20communities.
Organization Logo:
Organization Description: Environmental Resources Foundation (ERF) is a not for profit foundation constituted to accelerate adoption of sustainable living, through working with communities.
Regional Scope: Global
Adaptation Sector: Adaptation finance; Agriculture; Biodiversity; Coastal areas/zones; Community-based adaptation; Disaster risk reduction; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Ecosystems; Energy; Food security; Gender; Health; Heavy industry; Human settlements; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Infrastructure; Services; Tourism; Urban resilience; Water resources
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices;#Capacity building;#Climate observations;#Climate scenarios;#Communication and outreach/awareness;#Education and training;#Financial support;#Impact assessment;#Institutional arrangements;#Knowledge management;#Monitoring and evaluation/M&E;#Science and research;#Socio-economic data and information;#Stakeholder involvement;#Technology support;#Vulnerability assessment
Climatic Hazards: Desertification;#Drought;#Erratic rainfall;#Extreme cold;#Extreme heat;#Floods;#Glacial retreat;#Increasing temperatures;#Land and forest degradation;#Loss of biodiversity;#Ocean acidification;#Salinization;#Sea level rise;#Shift of seasons;#Storm surges;#Tropical cyclones/typhoons;#Vector and water-borne diseases;#Wildfire
Primary Contact Title: Mr.
Primary Contact Name: Divay
Primary Contact Surname: Choudhary
Primary Contact Job Title: Consultant
Primary Contact Street Address: 10th Floor, Unit No, Magnum Towers, 1002 B, Golf Course Ext Rd, Sector 58, Gurgaon, Haryana
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 122001
Primary Contact Telephone: 9310703554
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name: Divay
Secondary Contact Surname: Choudhary
Secondary Contact Job Title: Consultant
Secondary Contact Street Address: 10th Floor, Unit No, Magnum Towers, 1002 B, Golf Course Ext Rd, Sector 58, Gurgaon, Haryana
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code: 122001
Secondary Contact Title: Mr.
Secondary Contact Telephone: 9310703554
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Non-governmental organization - NGO
Organization Name: ERF
Primary Contact Country: India
Secondary Contact Country: India
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Processed
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approve new partner:
RegionalFocus: Asia

Created at 24/07/2024 08:06 by
Last modified at 24/07/2024 08:30 by crmmocservices
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