JoinFormDraft: 7VnR5b

Title: 7VnR5b
Organization Abbreviation:
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Organization Description: As an agro-based organization, Cornrad Global Connect works to adapt to climate change in accordance with the UNFCCC. We concentrated on putting climate-smart agriculture techniques into practice, such as improving soil health, managing water, and diversifying crops. This entails developing farmers' capacity, setting up weather monitoring systems, and promoting laws that assist them. Along with these efforts, we support resilient agriculture, partnerships, and a lower carbon footprint in order to guarantee food security and sustainable development in Nigeria.
Regional Scope: National
Adaptation Sector: Agriculture; Coastal areas/zones; Community-based adaptation; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Ecosystems; Energy; Food security; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Water resources
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices;#Capacity building;#Communication and outreach/awareness;#Education and training;#Impact assessment;#Monitoring and evaluation/M&E;#Socio-economic data and information
Climatic Hazards: Erratic rainfall;#Floods;#Increasing temperatures;#Land and forest degradation;#Loss of biodiversity;#Vector and water-borne diseases
Primary Contact Title: Mr.
Primary Contact Name: Ayodeji
Primary Contact Surname: Oloruntobi
Primary Contact Job Title: Managing Director
Primary Contact Street Address: 4 Ralph Sodeinde Street
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 900103
Primary Contact Telephone: 08161501303
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name: Olufunke
Secondary Contact Surname: Oloruntobi
Secondary Contact Job Title: Director of Planning
Secondary Contact Street Address: 4 Ralph Sodeinde Street
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code: 900103
Secondary Contact Title: Ms.
Secondary Contact Telephone: 08136883002
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Non-governmental organization - NGO;#Private sector
Organization Name: Cornrad Global Connect
Primary Contact Country: Nigeria
Secondary Contact Country: Nigeria
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Processed
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approve new partner:
RegionalFocus: Africa

Created at 24/07/2024 01:38 by
Last modified at 24/07/2024 02:00 by crmmocservices
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