JoinFormDraft: YYCOG2

Title: YYCOG2
Organization Abbreviation: WPV
Organization Site:
Organization Logo:
Organization Description: To reiterate, The World Peace Volunteers (WPV) is a registered civil society organization in Ghana which aims at promoting world peace through human rights advocacy, consolidating the rule of law and entrenching democratic values climate change and good governance through the observation of elections, conflicts resolution and arbitration activities, etc. in Ghana and the world at large.
Regional Scope: National
Adaptation Sector: Adaptation finance; Agriculture; Coastal areas/zones; Community-based adaptation; Disaster risk reduction; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Energy; Food security; Gender; Health; Human settlements; Indigenous and traditional knowledge; Infrastructure; Tourism; Urban resilience; Water resources
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices;#Capacity building;#Climate observations;#Climate scenarios;#Communication and outreach/awareness;#Education and training;#Financial support;#Impact assessment;#Institutional arrangements;#Knowledge management;#Monitoring and evaluation/M&E;#Science and research;#Socio-economic data and information;#Stakeholder involvement;#Technology support;#Vulnerability assessment
Climatic Hazards: Desertification;#Extreme cold;#Extreme heat;#Floods;#Glacial retreat;#Increasing temperatures;#Land and forest degradation;#Loss of biodiversity;#Ocean acidification;#Storm surges;#Tropical cyclones/typhoons;#Vector and water-borne diseases;#Wildfire
Primary Contact Title: Mr.
Primary Contact Name: Seth Osei
Primary Contact Surname: Acheampong
Primary Contact Job Title: President
Primary Contact Street Address: Oblogo Road Opposite Happy Days Bus Stop Abossey Okia Accra
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 233
Primary Contact Telephone: +233244266480
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name: Clemencia
Secondary Contact Surname: Antwiwaah
Secondary Contact Job Title: Secretary
Secondary Contact Street Address: Oblogo Road Opposite Happy Days Bus Stop Abossey Okia Accra
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code: +233
Secondary Contact Title: Ms.
Secondary Contact Telephone: +233272336104
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Civil society;#National/public entity;#Non-governmental organization - NGO;#Private sector;#Research institution;#UN and affiliated organization;#University/education/training organization
Organization Name: World Peace Volnteers
Primary Contact Country: Ghana
Secondary Contact Country: Ghana
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Processed
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approve new partner:
RegionalFocus: Africa

Created at 05/07/2024 14:07 by
Last modified at 05/07/2024 14:30 by crmmocservices
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