JoinFormDraft: Urbanrise Paradisse On Earth

Title: Urbanrise Paradisse On Earth
Organization Abbreviation: UPOE
Organization Site: Urbanrise Paradise On Earth
Organization Logo: Urbanrise Paradise On Earth Contact
Organization Description: Urbanrise Paradise on Earth is anticipated to be unveiled in 2023, with completion and occupancy scheduled to commence in January 2026. The project promises to deliver a lifestyle where luxury and comfort seamlessly blend, offering residents an exceptional living experience. Urbanrise's commitment to sustainable living is evident in its design philosophy, which features several key initiatives to create self-sufficient, environmentally conscious communities.
Regional Scope:
Adaptation Sector: Urban resilience
Adaptation Element: Urbanrise
Climatic Hazards: Seasonal
Primary Contact Title: Mr.
Primary Contact Name: Urbanrise Paradise On Earth
Primary Contact Surname: Contact
Primary Contact Job Title: Assistant
Primary Contact Street Address: Survey No 35, South, Kengeri hobli, Gangasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 560074
Primary Contact Telephone:
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name:
Secondary Contact Surname:
Secondary Contact Job Title:
Secondary Contact Street Address:
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code:
Secondary Contact Title:
Secondary Contact Telephone:
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Real estate landing
Organization Name: Urbanrise
Primary Contact Country: India
Secondary Contact Country:
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Processed
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approve new partner: Yes
Approve: Yes

Created at 04/07/2024 13:33 by
Last modified at 04/07/2024 14:00 by crmmocservices
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