Pages: what-is-action-pledge

Name: what-is-action-pledge.aspx
Title: What is an action pledge?
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
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NAP Description: Leading by example to scale-up adaptation on the ground
NAP Summary:
Page Content: Action
pledges are targeted adaptation actions that partner organizations undertake in
response to adaptation knowledge needs and gaps. Action pledges should support
the objective of the NWP, and enhance action on adaptation
in general.

Through action pledges, partner
organizations have the opportunity to communicate on adaptation actions at
different scales and levels. The action pledges also inspire other organizations in
furthering their action on adaptation. 

Partner organizations are encouraged to
report on the outcomes associated with the implementation of the actions
pledged, by sending updates to 

To submit an action pledge, click here.





Created at 07/04/2016 17:06 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 09/05/2017 14:21 by Laureline Krichewsky
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