Pages: LITKP-page

Name: LITKP-page.aspx
Title: Local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices; rural systems and communities; vulnerable groups and communities
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
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NAP Description: Browse resources related to local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices; rural systems and communities; and vulnerable groups and communities in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal, and learn more about engagement opportunities in these thematic areas under the Nairobi work programme below.
NAP Summary:
Page Content: Activities on local, indigenous and traditional knowledge practices have been undertaken under the NWP (in response to SBSTA 38 mandate). Further, COP19 decided that activities under the Nairobi work programme should integrate gender issues, indigenous and traditional knowledge, and the role of and impacts on ecosystems. Rural system and communities is one of the thematic areas of the NWP, as mandated by SBSTA 48



In the current context of rapid climate change, local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices contributes fine-grained, long-term observations about our changing environment. For example, the inclusion of indigenous and traditional observations and insights well complement modern meteorological observations and help extend records back in time. Such knowledge and practices also help define the range of options that a community might consider for adaptation, that are appropriate to its ecological and sociocultural environments, and that are in conformity with its priorities, values and worldviews.

Browse relevant resources in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal database, and learn more about the UNFCCC's activities on the topic under the Nairobi work programme below.



How can your organization/entity further support resilience through knowledge? 

Make an action pledge to support adaptation planning and implementation related to local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices
Share your resources on local, indigenous and traditional knowldege and practices here on the Adaptation knowledge portal including case studiestools and methods, and other resources
Send us news about upcoming publications and events at
Become a NWP partner organization
Governments agreed to undertake activities related to local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices, and rural systems and communities under the NWP in order to inform adaptation planning and actions at the regional, national and subnational level. In response, a range of activities have been undertaken under the NWP, including in collaboration with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and the Adaptation Committee (AC), to advance action through knowledge in these thematic areas with some in progress.

The table below highlights relevant outputs on local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices; and work in progress corresponding to different steps of the NWP knowledge-to-action methodology.
A Technical paper on Best practice and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for understanding and assesing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change published in October 2013
Engage with expert groups
Refine knowledge
Co-design actions
A Joint meeting of the Adaptation Committee and the Nairobi work programme on Available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation in April 2014
The LEG and the NWP technical session on vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems (2016)
The LEG and the NWP joint technical session on assessing progress in adaptation of vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems (2019)

Report and disseminate finding

A Report on the meeting on available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation published in May 2014
A technical paper on considerations regarding vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems in climate change adaptation was developed by the LEG with inputs from NWP partners
Facilitate partnerships to mobilize support
Ongoing (2019)
Learn more
Browse relevant action pledges, case studies, tools and methods, organizations, and knowledge resources on the Adaptation knowledge portal.
Subscribe to the NWP eUpdate to receive the latest news
Visit the NWP webpages on the UNFCCC website

Created at 07/04/2016 17:05 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 26/07/2021 16:23 by Serkant Samurkas
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