JoinFormDraft: BFBRPh

Title: BFBRPh
Organization Abbreviation:
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Organization Description: At GSS THINK, we are unwaveringly committed to making a tangible impact in the realm of sustainability. Our dedication to climate action drives us to innovate and implement solutions that significantly reduce environmental impact, acknowledging the urgent need to address global warming. We stand firm in our commitment to developing Human Rights, ensuring that our operations and collaborations honor and uplift the dignity and equality of every individual. Our alignment with the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals steers our strategies and actions, ensuring we contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable, just and prosperous world. We combine our powerful subject-matter expertise, unrivaled capabilities, tangible know-how, technology, and scale to support creating a better, more transformative sustainable finance and sustainability/climate risk strategy from day one. This is augmented by an ecosystem of best-of-breed partners that provide specialized expertise to organizations on initiatives relating to climate risk, regulatory standards, sustainable finance, and sustainable development. We have played a key role in the central banks and governments, as well as in the World Bank and financial institutions. We utilize our deep subject matter expertise in sustainable finance, ESG disclosures and compliance, climate law and diplomacy, green taxonomy, and climate risk to ensure the seamless integration of sustainable finance into the fabric of the global economy.
Regional Scope: Global;#Transboundary
Adaptation Sector: Adaptation finance; Biodiversity; Community-based adaptation; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Ecosystems; Energy; Food security; Gender; Heavy industry; Human settlements; Infrastructure; Services; Urban resilience; Water resources
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices;#Capacity building;#Climate scenarios;#Communication and outreach/awareness;#Education and training;#Impact assessment;#Institutional arrangements;#Knowledge management;#Monitoring and evaluation/M&E;#Socio-economic data and information;#Stakeholder involvement;#Technology support;#Vulnerability assessment
Climatic Hazards: Desertification;#Drought;#Increasing temperatures;#Land and forest degradation;#Loss of biodiversity;#Sea level rise;#Vector and water-borne diseases
Primary Contact Title: Ms.
Primary Contact Name: Katayoon
Primary Contact Surname: Eghtedar ESQ.
Primary Contact Job Title: CEO Founder
Primary Contact Street Address: 3400 Calle Del Torre
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 89102
Primary Contact Telephone: 7028813904
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name: Tharina
Secondary Contact Surname: Quintero
Secondary Contact Job Title: COO
Secondary Contact Street Address: 3400 Calle Del Torre
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code: 89102
Secondary Contact Title: Ms.
Secondary Contact Telephone: 6463064732
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Private sector
Organization Name: GSS THINK
Primary Contact Country: United States of America
Secondary Contact Country: United States of America
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Processed
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approve new partner:
RegionalFocus: Caribbean and Central America;#Europe;#North America

Created at 14/05/2024 20:51 by
Last modified at 14/05/2024 21:00 by crmmocservices
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