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Title: Ecosystems and water resources
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Page Content: Role of ecosystems and water resources 
Ecosystems affect the climate, but climate change also affects ecosystems, their functions and the many benefits and services they provide to people along with the ability of ecosystems to regulate water flows and cycle nutrients. Healthy ecosystems can play a major part in increasing resilience, helping people to adapt to climate change, and in reducing climate-related risk and vulnerability through the delivery of the range of services that play a significant role in maintaining human well-being.
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) uses biodiversity and ecosystem services in an overall adaptation strategy. It includes the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to provide services that help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. EbA can be cost-effective, generate social, economic and cultural co-benefits, and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
Collaboration, engagement and partnership

Governments agreed to undertake concrete activities addressing ecosystems and water resources under the NWP in order to inform adaptation planning and actions at the regional, national and subnational level. In response, a range of activities have been undertaken under the NWP, including in collaboration with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), to advance action through knowledge in these thematic areas with some in progress.


Applying an iterative knowledge-to-action methodology, the secretariat collaborated with experts in ecosystems, from renowned organizations and institutes, United Nations agencies, programmes and offices, as well as other relevant international organizations, academic institutions and institutes to advance actions.


The knowledge-to action methodology


The NWP uses a knowledge-to-action methodology (see figure
below) that guides knowledge co-development through partnerships. This
collaborative approach responds to the adaptation needs of Parties, with an
emphasis on developing countries, and supports the formulation of national
adaptation plans and relevant mandates of UNFCCC constituted bodies. The
approach has been refined over the years incorporating lessons learned.



1) Scoping

Goodpractices and lessons learned in adaptation planning processes addressingecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health, and in processes andstructures for linking national and local adaptation planning: a synthesis ofcase studies. Note by the secretariat published in November

2) Engage with expert groups
An informal network of over 30
organizations with an interest in promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing
on ecosystem-based adaptation was established.

3) Refine knowledge & 4) Co-design actions
A joint side event with the LEG to discuss how
vulnerable communities and ecosystems could be better integrated into national
adaptation planning and implementation
Synthesis report on methods and tools for, and goodpractices and lessons learned relating to, adaptation planning processesaddressing ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health, and goodpractices and lessons learned related to processes and structures for linkingnational and local adaptation planning
5) Report and disseminate findings

Outputs included

A synthesis report based on
submissions received titled: Adaptation planning, implementation and evaluationaddressing ecosystems and areas such as water resources
technical paper on considerations regarding vulnerable groups, communities andecosystems in climate change adaptation was developed by the LEG with inputs
from NWP partners 
UNFCCC newroom article on ecosystem-based adaptation

6) Facilitate partnerships to mobilize support
A joint side event with the LEG and the NWP partners on Ecosystem-based adaptation: Advancing action through knowledge during the Bonn climate change conference, May 2017 to discuss how vulnerable communities and ecosystems could be better integrated into national adaptation planning and implementation

7) Implementing action
Collaborative activities undertaken: The LEG and the NWP joint technical session on assessing progress of vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems (2019)

Find out more
& get involved 


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actions and be part of the solutions.

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ecosystems and water resources on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal including case studiestools and methods, and other resources

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planning and implementation related to and climate change

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Created at 07/04/2016 17:03 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 26/06/2023 14:56 by Stefan Dierks
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