JoinForm: D54049AE

Title: D54049AE
Organization Abbreviation: CADIRE CAMEROON ASSOCIATION
Organization Site:
Organization Logo:
Organization Description: Promoting sustainaible development and climate protection in several branch of activities ( Agriculture - Health - Environment - Energy - Education - Urban and Rural Development - Problems issues through Municipalities of the ten regions of Cameroon.
Regional Scope: National
Adaptation Sector: Adaptation finance; Agriculture; Biodiversity; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Ecosystems; Energy; Food security; Gender; Health; Human settlements; Infrastructure; Urban resilience; Water resources
Adaptation Element: Adaptation planning and practices;#Capacity building;#Climate observations;#Education and training;#Impact assessment;#Knowledge management;#Monitoring and evaluation/M&E;#Science and research;#Vulnerability assessment
Climatic Hazards: Desertification;#Floods;#Increasing temperatures;#Land and forest degradation;#Loss of biodiversity;#Shift of seasons
Primary Contact Title: Mr.
Primary Contact Name: MBOCK KEKED
Primary Contact Surname: Augustin Yves
Primary Contact Job Title: President
Primary Contact Street Address: Rue AKWA BP 2988 DOUALA CAMEROON
Primary Contact Zip Postal Code: 00237
Primary Contact Telephone: +237699215938
Primary Contact Email Address:
Primary Contact Other Email Address:
Secondary Contact Name: ENEKEBISSIK
Secondary Contact Surname: Annette
Secondary Contact Job Title: Adjointe Administrative
Secondary Contact Street Address: Rue AKWA BP 2988 DOUALA CAMEROON
Secondary Contact Zip Postal Code: 00237
Secondary Contact Title: Ms.
Secondary Contact Telephone: +237699215938
Secondary Contact Email Address:
Organization Type: Civil society
Organization Name: Association des Agriculteurs reunis pour le Developpement du Cameroun
Primary Contact Country: Cameroon
Secondary Contact Country: Cameroon
Allow Sharing: Yes
NWPStatus: Submitted
Secondary Contact Other Email Address:
Approval Status: Approved

Created at 19/06/2019 18:19 by Serkant Samurkas
Last modified at 19/06/2019 18:19 by Serkant Samurkas
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