Pages: contribute-tool

Name: contribute-tool.aspx
Title: How to contribute a tool or a method?
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
Contact E-Mail Address:
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NWP Feature Header:
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NAP Description:
NAP Summary:
Page Content: If you would like to contribute a tool or method to the adaptation knowledge portal, please complete the form at this link:

>  Tool or method submission form (EN)

Offline submission in other languages:
The submission of tools and methods in other languages is also encouraged to ensure wider public outreach and knowledge dissemination. If feasible, please fill out an offline template for your tool or method in Spanish and/or French and return the completed template via email to

FR Formulaire outil ou methode.docx 

ES Formulario herramiento o metodo.docx


Contribute other resources

How to contribute a knowledge resource to the AKP

Created at 07/04/2016 17:02 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 15/02/2019 15:40 by David Oehmen
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