Pages: call-case-study

Name: call-case-study.aspx
Title: Current call(s) for case studies
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Laureline Krichewsky
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NAP Description: Call for case studies demonstrating good practices on the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation.
NAP Summary:
Page Content: At its forty-first session, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) requested the secretariat under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, in collaboration
with the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group,
and with contributions from relevant NWP partner
organizations, to make publicly available a compilation of good practices and tools and
available data collection initiatives for the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, for consideration at SBSTA
44, building on existing knowledge-sharing platforms, including the database on
best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional
knowledge and practices for adaptation.


This call for contributions remains open. We welcome all
information you would like to share with the UNFCCC secretariat regarding good
practices, tools and data collections initiatives referring
to the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for
 If you would like to contribute a case study demonstrating a good practice, please fill out the template for submission below and send it to When feasible, we would be very thankful
if you could please provide this information both in English and in Spanish and/or
French so as to ensure
wider public outreach and dissemination.
ENG Template for submission of a good practice.docx
FR Formulaire bonne pratique.docx
ES Formulario buena práctica.docx

Created at 07/04/2016 16:58 by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 16/08/2016 17:18 by Laureline Krichewsky
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